Mac Owners: Strangest thing happened to mine in sleep mode. (fan issue?)


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
I figured I would post this here since it isn't really directly related to recording equipment.

A couple minutes ago, I put my Mac (2.3 dual core Power Mac G5) in sleep mode while I jammed a bit.

All of a sudden, I hear a whirring sound, like one of my fans had kicked in, which kept getting faster and faster. I freaked the fuck out and quickly turned the comp off.

What could have caused this? Shorted out fan? All seems to be working well right now, all the fans are spinning.

Any ideas/clues as to what caused this?

I wouldn't worry if it happened once, it may as well never happen again...

Yeah, I googled it and it seems to be common. Someone suggested that when transferring large amounts of data via FW or USB that it might be common.

I had actually just moved a large amount of music from my internal HD to my external. Maybe that is why. Strange that it would happen in sleep mode though.


Sleep mode on G5s is inconsistent and prone to some very odd behavior. I don't use it myself because I've had some weird experiences with it as well. Somehow every other Mac I've had was fine with sleep, but not the G5 in my studio or the one at my old job.