Mac users?


Oct 13, 2007
So i just upgraded to leopard and my firewire ports aren't showing up anymore. I went through all the tech support stuff and still not working. Also now my system profiler and stuff like that wont work anyone else having these problems here? BTW i'm running a intel mac core duo,2Ghz,3 gig ram.
sorry i should have searched..oops well i did the steps for a clean install but when it rebooted with all my files still intact i think somehow it may have just so kicken myself in the ass for not researching the issues with leopard more.
yeah... everyone i know that's done a Clean Install has had no problems.... conversely, those i know that have done the upgrade install have had issues.
I just did the clean install... nothing like good old fashion user firewire ports still not working though....freakin weird.
I did a full install from panther 10.3.9 to leopard a few weeks ago and I also had a problem with my hardware. Each time it started up it didnt recognise and hardware on the firewire and I had to keep reconnecting the soundcard and switchin the audio to the external card in the preferences. I reinstalled the drivers for the soundcard and after about 3 times it started working properly, but that was my only problem,
Hope it all works out for you
As far as i know the only way to back up your files is to use a external drive or another mac. I have tried everything to get the firewire ports back up and running and nothing is working.I guess the only thing i can do is wait for a leopard update that will hopefully fix the problem. Other than the firewire problem everything else is working just fine. leopard seems pretty kick ass so far.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I just ordered my macbook pro and I think I'm going to downgrade back to tiger. PT and other software/hardware are having issues I've heard. Weird for an Apple product eh?
yeah staying with tiger for a few months till they get leopard kinks worked out isn't a bad idea. Windows Vista...haha yeah like windows never had any problems. :)
I just ordered my macbook pro and I think I'm going to downgrade back to tiger. PT and other software/hardware are having issues I've heard. Weird for an Apple product eh?
so Digidesign and Waves and such not being fast to make their software Leopard compliant is somehow an Apple issue?? the fact that you would even remotely think that is the only weird thing here. have you not even read your Pro Tools "Getting Started" manual? you know, the one that clearly tells you NOT to upgrade until you check the Digidesign site for updates for bringing PT to compatibility? It gives you the URL in the manual to check what version of PT is compatible with which version of the OS... so common sense dictates that these compatibility guidelines apply to newly purchased computers with Leopard already installed.

and Genius... really?... i mean, really? c'mon man.... give me a break. Vista blows ass and every single major Windows upgrade in history has caused orders of magnitude more problems than having to clean install and reload some drivers. more than happy for you if you love windows and want to stick with the platform... rock on. *though these days you can do even that far more elegantly on a mac with bootcamp*

Clean Install. it's simple. if Firewire ports stop working after doing that, re-install the FW drivers and/or run Disk Utility. repeat a couple times and the problem disappears. then you'll be using the best Operating System ever, Mac Leopard. period. i have installed it on my dad's Mac and done the troubleshooting.. and it is absofukinglutely tits. i can't wait until Digi announces compatibility.
James thanks for all your help on this subject. i got my ports back in working order but im guessing the problem is with the presonus firepod not being complient yet. i'll patiently wait for the updates cause leopard is kicken mucho ass.
I am gonna sound like an idiot but is a clean install just like erasing everything off the hard drive and installing the new OS?
so Digidesign and Waves and such not being fast to make their software Leopard compliant is somehow an Apple issue?? the fact that you would even remotely think that is the only weird thing here. have you not even read your Pro Tools "Getting Started" manual? you know, the one that clearly tells you NOT to upgrade until you check the Digidesign site for updates for bringing PT to compatibility? It gives you the URL in the manual to check what version of PT is compatible with which version of the OS... so common sense dictates that these compatibility guidelines apply to newly purchased computers with Leopard already installed.

I was just saying that Apple is just alittle more user friendly so it was just odd that it wasn't compatible. I'm new to macs and have heard great things. If you are telling me that I should not upgrade to leopard for PT compatibility than downgrading from leopard to tiger on a computer that has leopard pre-installed is the same thing. Leopard does look pretty badass tho.