mac with pro fire 2626 : kernel panic


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France

I'm gonna go with an apogee duet soon to go with my macbook pro (i recently switched) but I still have my pro fire 2626.

My problem is very simple : as long as the profire 2626 is plugged in, and ON, I get a kernel panic, same when I start up, once it recognizes it. I follow the setting panel order (plug, start up, open the panel, start the pro fire) and it instantly triggers a kernel panic.

My drivers are up to date. Do any of you have lived a similar problem on mac ? I'm sending a mail to Maudio support, but still wanna know if you have some suggestion while I'm waiting for the "Please download the latest driver update on our site" answer from Maudio.

Don't wanna start a flame war, but it seems macos is more buggy than W7... !