

What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
These guys sound pretty fucked up, and were recommended (sorta) to me in a recent interview. Never heard them, but I have a few stickers of theirs! Me likey? You likey? Whaaaaaa sappening? :loco:
Awesome, he's a great guy! I'll have it transcribed before the release date of the new one, in early February.

(I will continue to speak in cryptic terms in case you do not want secrets revealed until it is posted. :grin: )
Yeah it's always best to keep things hushed prior to publish. :Smug: Reminds me, I don't think I'll be getting our new feature up tonight. My daughter's going through this phase of wanting to get out the bath and run away before getting her hair rinsed. Little git. Anyway, probably tomorrow for that one since Heather's got to do all the graphics and all.

Will get our new reviews up tonight though!! Some wicked reading there, I must say. :cool:
Man, I remember that phase. "MOMMY!!! I DON'T LIKE THE BATH!!!!!" Then I finally turned 17 and realized its benefit to both myself and those around me.

Yes, I'm looking forward to several of the new reviews, thankfully I already own a handful of them so I don't need to worry about running out and spending too much money. Probably will on other stuff anyhow, oh well.
It's a 50/50 split whether I find that a good quality or not.

But thank you, at least I know what to expect now!