Macheads, evangelize me!


Blacksmith Apprentice
Sep 28, 2004
Ok here it is:

I use a real shitload of samples when working. The 2 gig's in WinXP/nuendo aren't nuf, I have to (deep)freeze stuff all the time. I don't like that.

What I like about a G5:

a Mac G5 can have 8 gig's of RAM.
a dual 2Gig does about $1k secondhand.

It will allow me to only freeze the FX and keep all the VSTi's in memory so flipping back to them is a snap. I Like that a lot, deepfreeze takes a lot of time.

What I don't like:

a G5 has a PSU that eats 700 watts. Holy bef.
OSX isn't exactly my fav OS. But hell, if I can work with it who cares.
a G5 only has two SATA's, and can't handle the 10k WD Raptors.
a G5 can whine about the RAM you feed it.
I need a SATA-card that can stream audio & samples without bogarding the PCIx bus.

No, I don't wanna get me a Macintel, too new, too xpensive, and too little plugins I own('use') are compatible at this time. No PTLE either, it doesn't freeze, and I love my RME DSP.

So waddaya suggest? I want to work with Cubase 4 I guess. Can it handle 8 gigs of Ram? On the PC it can't, everything above 1.5 gig makes it crash..

Any tips? Cubase 4 runs ok with 8 gigs? Sata on a card can be done?
Ok here it is:

I use a real shitload of samples when working. The 2 gig's in WinXP/nuendo aren't nuf, I have to (deep)freeze stuff all the time. I don't like that.

What I like about a G5:

a Mac G5 can have 8 gig's of RAM.
a dual 2Gig does about $1k secondhand.

It will allow me to only freeze the FX and keep all the VSTi's in memory so flipping back to them is a snap. I Like that a lot, deepfreeze takes a lot of time.

What I don't like:

a G5 has a PSU that eats 700 watts. Holy bef.
OSX isn't exactly my fav OS. But hell, if I can work with it who cares.
a G5 only has two SATA's, and can't handle the 10k WD Raptors.
a G5 can whine about the RAM you feed it.
I need a SATA-card that can stream audio & samples without bogarding the PCIx bus.

No, I don't wanna get me a Macintel, too new, too xpensive, and too little plugins I own('use') are compatible at this time. No PTLE either, it doesn't freeze, and I love my RME DSP.

So waddaya suggest? I want to work with Cubase 4 I guess. Can it handle 8 gigs of Ram? On the PC it can't, everything above 1.5 gig makes it crash..

Any tips? Cubase 4 runs ok with 8 gigs? Sata on a card can be done?

I don't know about cubase studio 4 and cubase 4 but prior versions only supported (I think) up to 2 gigs of RAM :erk:

And I have not updated yet cause I am afraid to :lol: but I will once the first major update gets released.
I don't know about cubase studio 4 and cubase 4 but prior versions only supported (I think) up to 2 gigs of RAM :erk:

And I have not updated yet cause I am afraid to :lol: but I will once the first major update gets released.

Damn! Even on a Mac? I thought it was a platform issue..

(I do a lot of orchestral stuff, need to keep different samplebanks open all the time to make comparisons, hence the 8 gig..)

I'll search the web a bit more, good use for a hangover I guess.. :)
Damn! Even on a Mac? I thought it was a platform issue..

(I do a lot of orchestral stuff, need to keep different samplebanks open all the time to make comparisons, hence the 8 gig..)

I'll search the web a bit more, good use for a hangover I guess.. :)

You might want to try these questions in the forum. Keep in mind though you may get blocked cause stienberg moderators are a bunch of natzi assholes.
Yeah but they come into the LE forum and shut people down before they can even say "I use LE" and it's anoying as fuck. Also what about the people who have presale questions.

Grow up a bit? Fuck that. Most of the people in that forum are cool, the moderators however do nothing but shut down anything either A: outside the topic of cubase or B: Don't like criticizm about there product.
I'd hardly call an admin kicking a member out of a forum for trying to get support on pirated software a "nazi asshole." Grow up a bit.

Besides he probably wont get his answer since he doesn't currently use cubase, they will just give him the ol "please input your stienbberg key into you profile" bullshit and lock the topic.

It's crap.
Well, TBH, I went there... :)

And collected quite a bit of info.

I'll post it all later, it involves a bit of copy/pasting in the boot.ini file, but the problem comes from the 32-bits of both Windows and OSX.

WinXP-64 remedies my problem, as will Vista64. As for OSX.5 -64bits at last- I dunno, but there are good experiences with XP64 and Nuendo/Cubase 3.1.

Thing is, the OS won't allow a program to grab a lot of RAM. a Trick in the boot.ini (called the "/3gig switch") remedies this a bit, allowing you to load a massive DFHSbank, loads of samples, that kinda stuff. But you need a 64bit OS to address more than 4 gigs of RAM.

Anyhow, Vista64 is around the corner, XPpro64 is one email away. As is a Core2 duo and four sticks of ram. :)