Machine Head - Burn My Eyes


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
Machine Head, along with Fear Factory, were one of the great bands in the early 90's thrash scene. Unlike Fear Factory, Machine Head's debut was actually their best, and by best, i mean one of the greatest albums ever released.

Despite their later albums being marginally hideous, this album is in a parrallel with Metallica's ...And Justice for all and Fear Factory's Demanufacture, totally awesome thrash... Totally awesome songwriting, riffs that make you think "Why the hell didn't i come up with that", Heavy grooves that just plain rule, and lyrics that actually make sense, and actually provide a bit of an intersting thought here an there.

The vocals are great for the most part, but ocassionally they leave a little bit to be desired, especially when Robb tries to force too much of a growl, but otherwise awesome. He's actually a great singer, especially in I'm Your God Now, a depressing tune with lyrics that would put Layne Stayley and Sentenced to shame, where he shows his versatility as a vocalist, and ultimately a front man by having the listener hang off his every word.

There is a TON of just damn cool riffs on this album, like the Morbid Angel style groove at the end of Davidian (which i love even more because of the odd time on the second phrase), the chorus of Old, and the rocking Real Eyes, Realize, Real Lies.

Forget what you've heard about machine head, forget the bad albums they have released since. If you own anything by Metallica, Megadeth, Fear Factory or Sepultura, then you should be ashamed of yourself if you don't own this album. You are bad... BAD! :)

i always thought that both the more things change and the burning red (apart from a handful of songs) are better records. lets not talk about supercharger, was listening to it today. not good.
Originally posted by ohmysatan
i always thought that both the more things change and the burning red (apart from a handful of songs) are better records. lets not talk about supercharger, was listening to it today. not good.

Obviously you don't have ears..Burn My Eyes kicked both of those albums ass with the opening song Davidian alone..
Umm...Fear Factory was never thrash.

Demanufacture is thrash. First and foremost, thrash riffs, thrash vocals. Just because most people label them as "Industrial Metal" or something, doesn't mean that they are. Aside from a few samples here and there, they are a thrash band.

And by "Thrash" i don't mean 80's thrash like overkill or metallica. I mean early nineties thrash, such as machine head.
I'd say Fear Factory were more "thrash" in Soul of A New Machine. Demanufacture was totally the start of "cyber-metal" (as it was termed): electronic arrangements, single string muted rhytmns, futurist Blade Runner concepts, etc. Infact, listening to Demanufacture now you can really pick up on the nu-metalisms before nu-metal was even around...

Personally I don't think FF ever were thrash at any point in their life.

as for Machine Head - Burn My Eyes. that has to be one of the best debut albums i've ever heard. The production is unparalleld to this day!
Originally posted by dirty_sandwich666
i love the last min or so of 'A nation on fire".
Yep, great part that is, killer riffing!

Then I too must say that "The More Things Change" is my favourite Machine Head record. On "Burn My Eyes" there are more less interesting songs than on TMTC I think... apart from "Bay Of Pigs" and "The Frontlines" I think every single song on the album's great. Especially "Take My Scars", "Violate", "Spine", "Blood Of The Zodiac", "Blistering" etc... awesome album with one of the heaviest productions EVER!

I also quite like the general mood on The Burning Red, especially "Exhale The Vile" and the title track are great tracks.

Supercharger I found quite boring, haven't played it a lot...
Originally posted by Devy_Metal
burn my eyes is a fucking awesome record.

I can just agree with that ;)
It's just timeless.

Originally posted by dirty_sandwich666
i love the last min or so of 'A nation on fire".

You mean the one when the break comes, and the snare fill-ins set in and then the hell breaks loose? Damn, i was always wondering how Chris could play that fast, unbelievable :eek: