Machinehead/Arch Enemy


Apr 14, 2001
Some good, old fashioned shit talking, its always fun when bands do this :headbang:

MACHINE HEAD frontman Robert Flynn has slammed ARCH ENEMY singer Angela Gossow for stating in a recent interview that MACHINE HEAD "unprofessionally" handled ARCH ENEMY's last-minute cancellation of their spring 2004 U.S. tour with MACHINE HEAD.

Speaking to Holland's Lords of Metal webzine, Gossow recently stated about the tour's cancellation, "I was surprised to see how unprofessionally MACHINE HEAD handled the incident. It was not me who actually stopped the tour, but another person who had a big problem in the band, and they obviously didn't have enough respect to let it go and say they were sorry. We were sorry and said so, it was very shitty for both bands. They lost some people coming to the shows and it sucked for us because we lost a hell lot of money, we had to pay for the tour bus that whole tour, you know. At the end of the day it is a business and you might meet that band you are talking shit about again. It always comes back to you. Rob Flynn actually lost his voice later that tour, hahaha. I was disappointed really, but I do not have hard feelings in any way towards MACHINE HEAD."

In a statement sent exclusively to BLABBERMOUTH.NET, Flynn responded to Gossow's comments with the following:

"It's funny that Mrs. Amott brings this up now, after 6 months of silence about it. We were willing to let it drift away. We made our jokes about it, and left it at humor. But now, WE handled things 'unprofessionally?' Now she's talking about my throat going out (for one show) as things 'coming back to haunt us?'

"Now, let's talk about unprofessional.

"ARCH ENEMY asked us to go along with their 'work visa' excuse. We did. They then told us they'd be missing Philly and New York, but to keep going along with the work visa excuse. We did. The next day at Metalfest [New England Metal And Hardcore Festival], their bassist and guitarist both confirmed they'd be starting the tour, but were very evasive. Then, after tracking down their manager, he gave us 'his word' that they would be doing the tour.

"The next day they had their BOOKING AGENT call our TOUR MANAGER to tell us they were cancelling 'the entire tour' 'cause she had blown out her voice. This wasn't their manager calling our manager, which would have been proper etiquette... no, the first official 'statement' we got from your camp was your ham-fisted 'apology' to your fans on your fucking website, and that didn't even give anyone an explanation!!!

"Now THAT'S professional!!

"Yes, Mrs. Amott, bands do cross paths, and things do come back to haunt you, and one day, your four boys are gonna pay for your big fuckin' mouth."

You would have to think if it came down to a fight, Machinehead would come out on top. Sharlee would give a good accounting of himself though probably.
Yeah but she doesnt count because he already said it would be the others who pay for her big mouth, so you take her out of the equation and its 4 on 4 and I think Machinehead would win fairly easily.
Yep, they would have to take him down first for sure, he is about 20 feet tall!
Yeah but Rob would be one of those psycho weenies once he gets going, you can tell. Machinehead in a landslide I reckon.
More shit talking! :worship: :lol:

In a brand new interview with, GWAR singer Oderus Urungus (a.k.a. Dave Brockie) was asked if the band focused more on the music or the elaborate stage show in their early days. "At the very beginning, we didn't concentrate on the music as much as figuring out what GWAR was going to be," he said. "This is before we even recorded 'Hell-O'. We would just get up there in costumes made out of paper mache and just play one chord, but when we saw the unlimited potential that GWAR had, we started taking the music seriously. Now, in order to keep GWAR going, we have to spend more time one the music. Everybody knows the show that we do, but we are still maligned all the time by dumb-asses that think we don't know how to play music. If we didn't know how to write music and play our guitars, this band would have lasted one maybe two albums instead of being the musical jaggernaught that we are. I'll put GWAR up against any metal band, anytime, and we will kick their asses to the dirt!!" I'm sure that Phil Anselmo and SUPERJOINT RITUAL would love to hear that.

Dave Brockie: "Was Phil talking shit about us again? That guy's a fucking pussy. You know what?! Anytime anybody talks shit about GWAR, they get it thrown right back in their face. I know Phil's girlfriend, and he says to her, 'Oh, I love GWAR, I love GWAR.' That guy is such an ass, he invited us out to see his show in Orlando and then he makes fun of GWAR from the stage. I can't wait to run into that dude — I'm going to put my fist down his fucking ugly throat. He is just a loser, worm, junkie, scumbag, asshole motherfucker. I can't believe he wants to criticize GWAR, the greatest band in rock and roll band in history; he can lick my diuretic code-swipe.

"I'll tell you a funny story about Phil," Brockie continued. "We were in New Orleans, and that faggot piece of shit came on our bus and was like, 'Hey, man, you guys got any of that crazy shit?' We were like, 'What the fuck do you mean?' And he started slapping his arm and was like, 'You know that crazy shit.' I guess he thought we were a bunch of junkies.

"Fuck you, Phil Anselmo. Will you please print that in your article? And your stupid fucking stupid SUPERJOINT RITUAL dumbass band, you fucking suck, die!! We fucked your girlfriend way before you."

Read the whole interview at this location.
It must be shit talk fest 2004 this week :worship:

SLAYER guitarist Kerry King and bassist/vocalist Tom Araya answered a few fans'/competition winners' questions in the latest issue of Britain's Kerrang! magazine. An excerpt from the interview follows:

How did you react to Dave Mustaine's [MEGADETH] recent comments that Kerry King is SLAYER's weakest link?

Tom: "Fuck him."

Kerry: "The funny thing is, if you let Mustaine just talk he'll bury himself."

Tom: "And look at what he did to [former MEGADETH bassist] David Ellefson! You've got a guy who's been in your band since the inception of it and then you shit all over him? Fuck that."

Kerry: "I was stunned when he said Ellefson can't keep time. I was like 'What a fucking idiot!' I hear Ellefson's suing Mustaine now and I hope he gets most of it."

Tom: "You've got to consider that this is a guy who fucking shit on his friend. It's like Kerry said, that guy buries himself every time. Every time he opens his mouth he puts his foot in it."

Kerry: "And every time he's said shit about us he's made us look better."

But wait, THERES MORE! :worship: :lol:

SLAYER guitarist Kerry King recently spoke to about on the group's upcoming studio album, a blood-drenched stage show and MEGADETH's Dave Mustaine, among other topics. Several excerpts from the interview follow: Dave Mustaine, who's become this big born-again media whore crybaby…

Kerry King: "Born-again idiot…" [Laughs] "Yeah, it's sick. I found this ridiculous quote I wanna run by you. He was asked what he thought about your playing, and said, 'Well, before I started showing him my guitar style, he was pretty good. Afterward, he was really good! I showed him a lot of different tricks he had never seen before. I think I helped him more than he's willing to acknowledge, but as you probably know, Kerry now hates my guts…'

Kerry King: "[Laughs] Everybody hates him!" [Laughs] "…I don’t know why. I don't dislike the guy. But Kerry has a problem, because he hates everybody."

Kerry King: "Yeah, that was in Guitar World. We were on Ozzfest and I was hanging with Zakk [Wylde] all the time, because me, Zakk and Dime are like the same person. [Laughs] I go on Zakk's bus and Zakk says, 'DID YOU SEE THIS FUCKIN' SHIT?!?! THIS FUCKER'S TALKING ABOUT YOU!' And I'm like, 'I don’t care, man — I'm fuckin' above that, it's fuckin’ stupid.' Anybody that knows anything knows [SLAYER's debut album] 'Show No Mercy' came out before I ever played with MEGADETH. So apparently I could play the fuckin' guitar. [Laughs]" That's what’s so sickening — he got brought into that whole… METALLICA with their fuckin' touring psychologist and their movies and their books and whatever bullshit they're doing; it’s obvious he saw this as a chance to steal some limelight, rejuvenate his band….

Kerry King: "The whole thing I think about that, you know, to me whatever happened to him was convenient timing because he had to reinvent himself. Nobody gave a fuck about MEGADETH, and he put this record out and the only good thing about it to me is the leads that Chris Poland is playing. I mean, I used to love Mustaine's playing myself; I looked up to him big time. But the only reason to even listen to that record is Chris Poland. I mean the songs are fuckin' garbage! And you know, you listen… 'Kerry hates everybody' — yeah, I hate a lot of people, but you ask anybody in the industry that knows me and knows Mustaine, I'm the one hanging out and having a good time; Mustaine's the one suing his fucking bass player! [Laughs] The ONLY guy that stood by him from day one, and they're in a lawsuit. So that lets you know what kind of a guy he is." How do you find the time to do your stuff with the clothing line (KFK Industries)?

Kerry King: "I got that together when I had some down time. As anybody can see who's been there recently, I’ve been neglecting the hell out of it! [Laughs] You know, I've got some things coming down the pipe — I wanna get a work shirt in there, skull caps… I wanna keep it on a swag level, you know, like concert swag. I'm not gonna make up pants or do anything like that. If I did make up pants, they'd be really cool — it'd be versions of camouflage you've never seen, stuff like that. I'm not gonna go into making slacks or anything stupid like that. But if it's something that I might wear, my door is open, but I'm definitely gonna focus on concert-type stuff." So are you hoping to bring more commercial access to your line?

Kerry King: "Well, I know Hot Topic is. They'd like to have our stuff, but I'm not gonna change any of my existing styles to accommodate them because the people that got the original ones are gonna say, 'Well that’s gay!' So if I make up a shirt that they're into without me having to change it, sure. You know, I mean the kids dig it, and it’s stuff that I make up and has nothing to do with SLAYER, so if I have a shirt idea and I think, 'That would make a good SLAYER shirt, but I'm gonna keep that for myself…' that don't happen. SLAYER comes first, and I don't like to use any of their ideas for mine either. But the same company that makes the band shirts makes my shirts — it's the same art department. So a lot of the times there's a gray area where they'll use the same font on one of mine as one of SLAYER's or vice versa and I'm like, 'Listen guys, this ain't gonna fly because I'm doing my best to keep this its own entity.' I don't bring them on tour, I don't compete with SLAYER on tour. I mean I might hand out flyers when I sign autographs, but that's it."

Read Kerry King's entire interview with at this location.