

Apr 14, 2001

Im a big Machinehead fan, they were great live before Slayer when I saw them, and I loved their first 2 records, but they went downhill after that IMHO, but read the first message and the last one from Rob Flynn on the last page at that link.
The guy has got some balls asking his fans that when he knows everyone hated the album, I was quite impressed! Maybe all hope isnt lost for them :D
I didnt mind Supercharger mate..sorta a return to form IMO because have a Listen to the first 2 and the last to they are all just porgressive into the rap/metal more technological bit mate they always wanted that sorta sound..just listen dammit
Really? I didnt mind The Burning Red, but I thought Supercharger was boring, I might give it another listen though, because I didnt really give it much of a chance, I just put it on, listened through once and havent listened to it since, maybe it gets better the more you listen :)
Mate maybe it is how much i like the band or maybe i just love it if its loud :D, but i loved it from the first listen admittly not everything mate but alot of it..i cant be bothered to go over and look at the track no.'s to tell ya what ones :p..anyhow mate give it a few good listens and crank it up LOUD!! i reckon you'll get into it :D...and i dont think that post bit shows he has balls mate, his head just aint as far up his arse as everyboy that doesnt like him/his image would believe
I shall give it another listen and see what i think :D

I thought it showed balls, every other musician goes "Oh, we do what we like and dont give a fuck what anyone thinks if they dont like it" (even Jon Schaffer says that, he is just lucky he hasnt f**ked up on me yet, or he would face the wrath of me!) and I hate that, he actually went and asked what everyone thought, rather than try and work out what they thought himself.

Anyways, I thought it was cool, I cant think of any other band that would ask that, they are all too afraid what their fans will say! :D
I was a big big fan of the band. When I saw them in Nottingham in Dec 97 they were brilliant. However, I'm not at all into what they're doing now. Why the feck did they have to change like that? Bye bye Logan, bye bye riffs. The guitars are weak as piss these days.
Yeah i do think that when Logan got to big for his boots and left it did take alot away but they are sorta trying to get it back.. i would like to hear Logan's new stuff..he has a band don't he...ahhh wonder where he dissappered too??
Originally posted by Southy
Yeah i do think that when Logan got to big for his boots and left it did take alot away but they are sorta trying to get it back.. i would like to hear Logan's new stuff..he has a band don't he...ahhh wonder where he dissappered too??

He was in Soulfly for about five minutes.
Yeah and got to big for his boots there last i heard he had pulled a band together with ex-lead singer for Ugly Kid Joe and Life of Agony Whit Crane and called the band Medication they also poached the original drummer form Soulfly..who has since re-joined max and the mob