Mad max sucked so badly

Sorry for the rant... Yesterday I was at a theater to see this...
How can people like it???
No fucking script! no story!
Yeah it has great action, packed with great girls (charlize is awesome) and visually is totally awesome.
But this is a pussy movie, not about a fucking pissed off dude like it was for the first three.
Goddamn it people! this is not the right movie for the character which has to be portrayed!
What ya think about it? Did you like it??
I don't get the hype.. 8.8 on IMDB, 89 on metacritic
Most movies have a three-act structure. It's a little less obvious because the entire film is a car chase, but that's the case with Fury Road too. Max gets sucked into the story in the first part when he's strapped to the car, then commits to helping the wives when they're in the desert (the first act). There's a lull in the middle after the scene with the bird-walker things (the second act), which drives the plot toward the third act: the giant battle at the end. It parallels the structure of Road Warrior pretty closely, actually- it's just that Max is more a passive observer than an element driving the plot directly, which I think is pretty genius because it's an inversion of the typical "male lead, female just being female and occasionally doing things" action movie trope. It might not be what you expected, but it was totally deliberate.

As for the script, there's just less dialogue because shit is exploding constantly :lol: But again, that's the point- Miller said, "What's the central element of Mad Max? Car chases. Let's make an entire movie out of a car chase," and he did. I liked it because it created a constant sense of danger; the characters were never really safe.
Most of the movies nowadays are overhyped shit. You can include here Interstellar, what a fucking boring movie, and WTF was that ending? SERIOUSLY? 4th dimension? Is the love? For fuck sake!:puke: Gravity it´s other one, man this one is even worse.

Anyway I dont think the original Mad max is that great. Having in mind the year, the post apocalyptic scenario and the vibe. Yes it´s fresh, new and innovative. But not a masterpiece in any way IMO.
it's just that Max is more a passive observer than an element driving the plot directly, which I think is pretty genius because it's an inversion of the typical "male lead, female just being female and occasionally doing things" action movie trope. It might not be what you expected, but it was totally deliberate.

Nothing against movies with females as main lead roles, I love movies like planet terror or kill bill and of course serious stuff like black swane, but This is Mad Max not "Charlize is bad ass".
I guess it's just me who's not getting it.
Acting was great btw
Most of the movies nowadays are overhyped shit. You can include here Interstellar, what a fucking boring movie, and WTF was that ending? SERIOUSLY? 4th dimension? Is the love? For fuck sake!:puke: Gravity it´s other one, man this one is even worse.

Anyway I dont think the original Mad max is that great. Having in mind the year, the post apocalyptic scenario and the vibe. Yes it´s fresh, new and innovative. But not a masterpiece in any way IMO.

Didn't see interstellar, but I enjoyed a lot gravity. It's an oneiric movie, I guess you don't like the genre ;)
How can people like it???
-------> it has great action, packed with great girls (charlize is awesome) and visually is totally awesome.

There you go, you answered your own question. :p

Yeah, the story is pretty minimal but in my opinion the awesome action makes up for it. Usually, I'm not a fan of action movies but in this case it was very well done. You said you liked gravity, well that's another example of a movie with almost no story, even less than mad max actually...but again it has awesome action that keeps you on the edge of your seat, the lack of story never bothered me.

I do agree that the 8.8 rating is a bit much, personally I'd give it a solid 8. Also, I haven't seen the original mad max movies so I didn't have any specific expectations, maybe that was the problem for you.
Didn't see interstellar, but I enjoyed a lot gravity. It's an oneiric movie, I guess you don't like the genre ;)

I love movies, after music it´s the art that I most appreciate and I love Sci fi genre but those movies are weak IMO. Gravity has no substance and the scenes are dumb and not believable, there is no tension growing. Just boring shit in space. I was quite disappointed after seeing it in theaters. For example, the movie Moon it´s much better.

As for Interstellar, it´s not a worthless piece of shit but far from great. The thing is that Nolan already have some kind of a golden status in the film industry and the followers claim that everything he puts are gems. Truth to be told, Memento, Inception and The Prestige are great movies but not the interstellar, the plot is very weak, the movie is very long and there are more plot holes in the logic of the idea than in a swiss cheese. It´s just a pretentious attempt to present something intelligent and deep.

As for the new Mad Max, I didnt see it yet, so cant comment, well yet!lol
Interstellar was one of the worst movies I think I've ever seen. That scene when they were like "But Anne Hathaway, why planet X" and she was like "LOVE. LOVE IS WHAT MAKES THE UNIVERSE GO ROUND AND ALSO SCIENCE SHIT THAT NOBODY IN THE AUDIENCE UNDERSTANDS BUT CHRISTOPHER NOLAN RESEARCHED IT SO HERE GOES" was so unbelievably cringe-worthy. God I hated that movie.
Interstellar had so many cringe moments it was hilarious. Idk why it had to be almost three hours either the parts where they are just in the space shuttle were really boring and almost put me to sleep, and yet that's like 3/7ths of the movie.

I think when he entered the black hole or whatever and it turned into a bunch of bs is when the movie lost me with the 4th dimension non sense lol. Then when his daughter threw the papers or whatever and shouts eureka I literally laughed so hard and turned off the movie and went to bed.
I love movies, after music it´s the art that I most appreciate and I love Sci fi genre but those movies are weak IMO. Gravity has no substance and the scenes are dumb and not believable, there is no tension growing. Just boring shit in space. I was quite disappointed after seeing it in theaters. For example, the movie Moon it´s much better.

Well it's about the will to survive, no matter what the conditions are, good or very bad!
Yeah it's not realistic, a lot of people complained about that, usually from a movie I don't expect it to be and btw it wasn't the purpose of the director to make it believable I think (didn't read nothing about the director tbh).
Thanks I'll check the moon, seems really good from the trailer.

As for Interstellar, it´s not a worthless piece of shit but far from great. The thing is that Nolan already have some kind of a golden status in the film industry and the followers claim that everything he puts are gems. Truth to be told, Memento, Inception and The Prestige are great movies but not the interstellar, the plot is very weak, the movie is very long and there are more plot holes in the logic of the idea than in a swiss cheese. It´s just a pretentious attempt to present something intelligent and deep.

As for the new Mad Max, I didnt see it yet, so cant comment, well yet!lol

I love what Nolan movies, I have to see this anyway, I know has disappointed a lot of people. I'll shoot myself in the balls with this one I guess :lol::lol:
Oh how I hate action movies these days.
I love the action movies of the 80s and early 90s, but action movies nowadays are just pointless crap.

Explosions, shaky cameras and ultra fast cuts that make the viewer loose track of what is going on are used to make up for the non-existing plot.
All tension that is beeing created seems so forced and therefore artificial and characters acting in a way that nobody in the real world would act like (even if they were heroes as well).
But these stupid-acting characters are necessary to create the awful moments of tension.
But that's where it ends for me. Characters that act implausible ruin a movie entirely.

And of course...there has to be a love story in every action movie. Just to attract female theater visitors as well.

I'm not saying that the action movies back in the days where more meaningful, but they hat a whole lot more atmosphere and did't consist only of action szenes and explosions.
Good example: The terminator. I and II have been stellar movies. Since then everything went down. I even stopped the fourth movie right in the middle because I couldn't bear the pain of watching anymore.

I am so fed up with that bullshit that I am not going to watch the new mad max movie.
I am done with action movies.
There are a tons of non-action movies that are way more worth seeing so that I am concentratiing on these.
I hate action movies. All of them. I always want my money back, even when watching TV at my friends place.
Oh how I hate action movies these days.
I love the action movies of the 80s and early 90s, but action movies nowadays are just pointless crap.

Explosions, shaky cameras and ultra fast cuts that make the viewer loose track of what is going on are used to make up for the non-existing plot.
All tension that is beeing created seems so forced and therefore artificial and characters acting in a way that nobody in the real world would act like (even if they were heroes as well).
But these stupid-acting characters are necessary to create the awful moments of tension.
But that's where it ends for me. Characters that act implausible ruin a movie entirely.

And of course...there has to be a love story in every action movie. Just to attract female theater visitors as well.

This is why MAD MAX: Fury Road was awesome. It did everything right for the most part.
I haven’t seen it but I believe if you look at the previous thread on this movie I predicted its shitness right away. Mad Max is supposed to be post-apocalyptic mayhem not circ du soleil with bikini models. Mad Max is a classic, fuck this shit, I’m not going to watch it.