Made a kick drum microphone comparison


Anssi Tenhunen

The tested microphones are Shure SM7B, Audix D6, AKG D112, Sennheiser e901, Shure Beta 52 (they are in random order in the the clip)

So, tell me which one do you think one is which (the e901 should be the most obvious one as it's the only one inside the drum, others are at the porthole) and which one you liked the best.
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Didn't particularly like any of them, but E (e901) was the best, if I had to choose.

How did you have the drum tuned? I get a much thicker tone than that, from just my Beta52 in the port hole of my PDP CX: Ideas/Cool Drumzt.mp3

Horrible example, but the only one I can find that I have uploaded to dropbox that is unmixed/edited and solo'd. I think it's just a Beta52 and 1 overhead, haha.
I can imagine E and B working well together. They were my favourites. I think B is the Audix D6. Not sure about the others.

How did you have the drum tuned? I get a much thicker tone than that, from just my Beta52 in the port hole of my PDP CX:

It was really tuned really low, the drummer used the emad ring that dampens the beater skin, felt beaters on the pedals and used more control than power with the kicks (but being only 17 he was a really fucking good drummer, he had played since he was 6), that's why the kicks sound more softer than I would've wanted, that's why we used D6 for the general low end and e901 for the snap as you can see from the pictures. But I still rather get a good performance than more snappier kick sound (I did use triggers so I can blend or sound replace the kicks)
I liked E and A the most, sounds like the ones that'd be easiest to work with in a mix. As for the mics... A = D112 or D6, E = e901 is my guess

Totally off-topic but were you trying to impersonate Herman Li during the last 6 seconds of the clip? :lol: