Made my own Snare and Kick samples for the first time.


Jul 18, 2007
Brighton, UK
I posted another thread a while ago about this kick sound, but in the Production Techniques forum and didn't get a lot of responses, so I just thought I'd post another here about firstly the kick sound, and also that I've recorded my own snare samples.

Basically it's just a song that I posted up a while ago, but with the snare and kick sounds replaced with my own samples.

The Kick was a disgustingly old Peavey International Series II kick, that still has the batter head from when it was new (probably around 7 years ago) mic'd with a D6 and a home-made subkick style thing. Hopefully going to have access to a much better kick at some point soon, but this is just a bit of practise until then.

The Snare was a Mapex Saturn Series mic'd with a 57 on the top, and an i5 on the bottom.

Be cool to basically just get peoples opinions on what I might be doing wrong and if it sounds alright? Mostly the snare sound I'm worries about to be honest.

Thanks guuuys! New Kick And Snare.mp3