Made the decision to quit my band to pursue recording full time now.


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
Kinda sucks but i was trying to juggle both the band and my recording but my recording business is really taking off now. I'm kinda bummed out but I'm sure some of you others who do recording full time here have had to make this sacrifice.
Honestly, congrats man. I know we all love the jamming, but now you have the ability to earn some real money. Who knows, maybe once the studio life has been going strong and is more established - it won't be too hard to go back and do the band thing if you miss it too much.
Yea my landlord might invest over 10,000 to build me a finished 2 car garage 24'x24' with bathroom and heat. My rent would go up but shit who would not love having there studio in there back yard. I have already been able to quit my job and pursue recording full time. I'M just getting sick of the mobile studio thing and dealing with bands and there messy ass practice spaces!
I'm actually going through the same kind of thing right now. I want to get a large garage built on like 1-acre of land that is big enough to basically house a studio. It would be nice because I could build the walls and everything the way I wanted them instead of working around what walls were already built. So really just a shell with a foundation :headbang:

A couple of months ago I felt like I had two choices:

A) Sell all of my recording equipment and pursue music
B) Sell all of my guitar equipment and pursue recording

After a week or two I kind of came out of the phase but during that time it really sucked for me. I recently found out that I can record drums in my house and it sounds good so now I can stop taking my PowerBook and rack of interfaces to the drummer's house to track drums - it was seriously awesome to find out I could just do everything at home. So now I can focus on getting steady business since I don't have to plan around me driving to their drummer's place anymore.

Be careful with the Michigan economy. You might be taking off, but its going to be harder than ever for the bands that are going to be paying you. Here in Lansing I go through some periods where I'm booked for two months solid, and I mean SOLID. But then the winter comes and people aren't rushing to get a CD out before a tour that they already booked.
don't forget why you got into recording in the first place!

ditching your band doesn't necessairily have to be a good idea. everyone needs a hobby, if I hadn't played guitar in a band I'd never made the decision to do what I love- RECORDING, I owe this "hobby" so much and it still is the best recreational hobby I can imagine (and you WILL have to do something to get a clear head!).
(I assume we're not talking about a professional band that eats all your time but about a weekly rehearsal in the evenings and a gig every now and then)
don't forget why you got into recording in the first place!

ditching your band doesn't necessairily have to be a good idea. everyone needs a hobby, if I hadn't played guitar in a band I'd never made the decision to do what I love- RECORDING, I owe this "hobby" so much and it still is the best recreational hobby I can imagine (and you WILL have to do something to get a clear head!).
(I assume we're not talking about a professional band that eats all your time but about a weekly rehearsal in the evenings and a gig every now and then)
Totally agree. I miss being in a band due to moving away for college (where I will eventually get my degree in audio), because now I'm planning to move back to finish my general education requirements.
Be careful with the Michigan economy. You might be taking off, but its going to be harder than ever for the bands that are going to be paying you. Here in Lansing I go through some periods where I'm booked for two months solid, and I mean SOLID. But then the winter comes and people aren't rushing to get a CD out before a tour that they already booked.

Yea i know i had a rough winter Recording bands also. Michigan is not the best place right now because of its economy and i was almost ready to move this winter. Now that the summer/spring has hit I'm just busy as i could have ever hoped. So yea i totally understand were your coming from Kevin. I did survive though through the winter on just recording still but was just not as busy as i would have liked to be. So i quit my job in November last year and now i have been going strong for about 6 months on just recording. Its just to busy to keep both a band and my recording going though. We would practice 3x a week and then to throw shows on top of that this summer :loco:. I just figured i can write music with me and dfhs when i fell creative. Then when i have some free time i can get a hobby band going once a week or something.
I'm actually going through the same kind of thing right now. I want to get a large garage built on like 1-acre of land that is big enough to basically house a studio. It would be nice because I could build the walls and everything the way I wanted them instead of working around what walls were already built. So really just a shell with a foundation :headbang:A coupl


Yea i have 1 acre here also and i figured 24'x24' would be big enough to have a small studio. Me and my Landlord already priced out materials at home depot and it would be over 10,000 to get it built and finished. Man its gonna be quite a project to get done and Michigan does worry me a bit right now cause were in a huge slump with our economy. I'm hoping that will turn around soon!