

Total Area 54 Metalhead!
Jun 1, 2001
heya MG, i cont goto the gig on friday cos of lack of transport, but i really want an EP. anyway, sam (son of metalman) said he would pick one up for me and send it 2me. is this okay? i know its only one per person...but the second copy isnt gunna be for him.

just thourght i would ask before friday comes and sam isnt allowed to get 2 copies.

thanks. andy
I talked to sam lastnight about this..

basically its gonna be first come served. i have other people sending me money for it, but i will not be able to purchase any for people not at the gig as Mia said it would be unfair to the people coming from Luton, Birmingham, Banbury etc. as then they could have done the same thing and saved themselves a lot of money. This was Mia's decision and not the band's and she said it will only be one CD per person.

C ya soon

Fairynuff bout the albums, it is only fair to give first dibs to the people that turn up. maybe if theres some left theyll do a similar thing again next tour... and hopefully ill be able to get to london without an exam and a finance shortage then :lol: