For the 3rd world assfaces who call themselves JUGULATOR and his girlfriend WITCHKING

so you of the third woirld assfaces have none comments to make over iraqi peoples celebrating in streets?
when oppressed we were, we had only US to help us, so much of world was like iofstorm, how literal translation is TURDBURGLARS, that is, one who would steal shit.
now we have freedom to listen to metalica, I have the new cd heard, and can I say all who only like kirk hammet with woman's makeup, it is so melody, with rapping.
TheSinMakesYouReal said:
Next we are going to go to greece and pinch of a couple loafs. Well shit, looks like some one beat us to it. I think it was IOfTheStorm's mother.

you can't find Greece on a map you fucking waste of air.

Please stop posting, all you do is perpetuate the "stupid American" stereotype.

you are the epitome of the "McDonald's-eating/Sitcom-watching/Never read a book you didn't have too" American retard.
azal said:
you can't find Greece on a map you fucking waste of air.

Please stop posting, all you do is perpetuate the "stupid American" stereotype.

you are the epitome of the "McDonald's-eating/Sitcom-watching/Never read a book you didn't have too" American retard.

Dude, that is amazing how do you do that??
How did you know I like McDonalds, sitcoms, and never read?
Dude, you one intelligent mullettard.

First, I can find greece on a map. All I have to do is search for greeg on a map and wow it brings me to Europe.

And second, Do not call me retarded, ae all know you road the short bus to school.

And Last, I guess you eat your food stright from the garden, have it processed, or you cook every thing you eat. (road kill stew)
The sign should say Azal instead of Jared.
Next we are going to go to greece and pinch of a couple loafs. Well shit, looks like some one beat us to it. I think it was IOfTheStorm's mother.
good think for you to know that you are just a worm hidding behind a comp screen, playing the " i am a bad american look at me , fear me" , while you post in a forum of a band that you never ever read its lyrics ... thats for sure ....
from your reactions the only thing shown is that your father molested you when you were a little child , and you come here pretending to be a macho supergirl ,just to forget about your tragic experiences..
really ...there is no other explanation for your "OH I KICK ASS AND I PUNCH THROUGH THE SCREEN" reactions ..
Dude, you must have been drop on your head ass a child one to many times. I never said I "fear me", you must be haboring that thought your self. In addition I'm not hinding behind nothing. Not my fault you you in greece. And yes I do read the lyrics, but that does not mean I let their thoughts and views change mine.

...there is no other explanation for your "OH I KICK ASS AND I PUNCH THROUGH THE SCREEN" reactions ..
LOL, @ you not with you!
Jugulator said:
Loser :Smug:

You know you little retard mongo, your right in one way. I am losing tax dollars. Im not talking about the WAR either. Im talking about the MONEY ME and teh rest of THE USA is giving you and your kind in brazil. YOU KNOW...YOUR COUNTRY IS A MEMEBR OF TEH WORLD AID PACKAGE.

Go back under your pile LLAMA shit, where you belong.

I only PRAY that one day the USA will stop giving you my tax dollars. Cause you obviously dont desearve them. You and your family should go round up your own FOOD and resorces. You and your family should pay for your own ROADS and schools, then you can GRIP about the one of the COUNTRIES KEEPING YOU ALIVE.

Now, in my eyes, your the loser.
IOfTheStorm said:
everyone everyone... u.s.a. wanted to liberate the journalists who went to iraq too, so they attacked their hotel ..

DO you mean the hotel where the sniper was shooting from? If so, or if not, the Reporters know the risk.

I suppose your also disregarding the fact that ppl of bagdahd are haeving a ANTI saddam party. Hell fire, they even road the head from teh decapitated statue oif saddam down main street.

You should eat your words.....Im not going to attack your opinion, but you should use your brain to weigh your opinion against the feelingd of the iraqi ppl,.....who seem to be HAPPY.

Oh shit, i almost forgot, It matters not what good comes from teh USA and the coalition, what matters to you is the fact that you THINK you know whats going on....THINK being the key word here.
So we have someone who is taking LYRICS to heart then? Well, sin, i think we have dip shit here. WHat do you say?

You should eat your words.....Im not going to attack your opinion, but you should use your brain to weigh your opinion against the feelingd of the iraqi ppl,.....who seem to be HAPPY.
Happy ? Happy people is the only thing you see, but what exists is misery , pain, death, hunger, chaos, anarchy, suffering of lot , a lot more than the "happy ones"...
Oh shit, i almost forgot, It matters not what good comes from teh USA and the coalition, what matters to you is the fact that you THINK you know whats going on....THINK being the key word here.
Exactly what good came from ur war ? Where is DEATH, what good can be done? What buildings can be built on burial ground of children ? What BENEFITS will be for Iraqi people ? The leadership on Iraq will be controled by american generals...thats another dictatorship ..
and about the nevermore lyrics.. i dissagree with many, i agree with many ....
ledmag said:
You know you little retard mongo, your right in one way. I am losing tax dollars. Im not talking about the WAR either. Im talking about the MONEY ME and teh rest of THE USA is giving you and your kind in brazil. YOU KNOW...YOUR COUNTRY IS A MEMEBR OF TEH WORLD AID PACKAGE.

Go back under your pile LLAMA shit, where you belong.

I only PRAY that one day the USA will stop giving you my tax dollars. Cause you obviously dont desearve them. You and your family should go round up your own FOOD and resorces. You and your family should pay for your own ROADS and schools, then you can GRIP about the one of the COUNTRIES KEEPING YOU ALIVE.

Now, in my eyes, your the loser.
Damn dude, u know nothing about other countries. Stop spitting all this shit.
I won't try to explain you why u are wrong cause u wouldn't understand.
I can see it by your intellectual level. All these words full of arguments and respect.
Bye, u piece of shit. Keep saying bullshits, i won't answer anymore to such a brainless being like u.
you are acting as a child that is disappointed 'cos there are others who think different than you.. then you become angry.. like a child....
are you going to run to your mama and cry ???

child... :þ
oh.. I have to say that the last thing I wrote is to Ledmad..
I now that everybody on this forum would understand.. but I have to write this 'cos he wouldn't understand with a negative IQ
( if he has a brain and not vaccum on his head of course )
IOfTheStorm said:
Happy ? Happy people is the only thing you see, but what exists is misery , pain, death, hunger, chaos, anarchy, suffering of lot , a lot more than the "happy ones"...

Exactly what good came from ur war ? Where is DEATH, what good can be done? What buildings can be built on burial ground of children ? What BENEFITS will be for Iraqi people ? The leadership on Iraq will be controled by american generals...thats another dictatorship ..
and about the nevermore lyrics.. i dissagree with many, i agree with many ....

***Well shit fire, if you were held down for all your life, and then suddenly one day you were turned loose, you would rant and rage and dance and act the fool aswell. War sucks, but lets look at the good things. Good things can come from anything, if you look hard enough. Sure, they are happy but the real deal will sink in on them soon. BUt eventually, hopefully, siooner than later, their world will turn around. The problem with you, who are stuck in your little place, watching your governments tV, reading your governments papers, and learning what your government wants you to learn, you cnat give a chance, you proved it when you said what the COALITION will do, you know, the stuff that hasnt happend yet. Yeah, you ve already made your mind up. I am supporting the liberation of these ppls. I am not backing my country or any other. I am hoping everything will be bettered.***
Jugulator said:
Damn dude, u know nothing about other countries. Stop spitting all this shit.
I won't try to explain you why u are wrong cause u wouldn't understand.
I can see it by your intellectual level. All these words full of arguments and respect.
Bye, u piece of shit. Keep saying bullshits, i won't answer anymore to such a brainless being like u.

Well you little llama NUT. YOu should nt speak with me anymore. Your not worthy. As far as intellectual level, your so fucking half witted that you can hardly speak ENGLISH, dont tell me what you see from my writings, writings your little MONKEY cocain nation brain cant even understand.

Your so fuicking dumb, if your ditching me, why the hell did you say I posses RESPECT? SHit man, get off the pot or eat shit.
_|_ BlahBlahBlah _|_ said:
you are acting as a child that is disappointed 'cos there are others who think different than you.. then you become angry.. like a child....
are you going to run to your mama and cry ???

child... :þ

Is witchking you? You know not nothing. hahaha. GO to english class. You may learn something.

Nahh, im not pissed over your opinion being different than mine. I just figured since you and your cock butter friend took it upon your uneducated self to dog out a country, mindlessly, without doing your real homework, i figured what the fuck, ill bash you and yours.

Its funny, when act as you act, you call me a child, but you think yourself doing ppl a favor, you dont see yourself acting as a child, thats probably cause your a fucking retard llama shit eater, who lives so close to teh equater that your half cocked brain is fried.

SUck you r thumb, itll give you something CONSTRUCTIVE to do. Itll give you time to think.