For the 3rd world assfaces who call themselves JUGULATOR and his girlfriend WITCHKING

ledmag you're a fucking idiot.

try speaking greek as well as he speaks english you tool.

your views are so narrow and ethnocentric, you have zero knowledge beyond what goes on in your back yard and what you read in your local hick newspaper and watch on your basic cable news channels.

open your fucking eyes, a try to gain a wider persective of the world and it's issues beyond the US.

Until then every intelligent, educated person that reads your posts will consider you a redneck ignoramous, as do I.

same thing goes for the sins guy...

*insert post by ledmag where he calls me a "nut-eater" or something equally clever, here*
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azal said:
ledmag you're a fucking idiot.

try speaking greek as well as he speaks english you tool.

your views are so narrow and ethnocentric, you have zero knowledge beyond what goes on in your back yard and what you read in your local hick newspaper and watch on your basic cable news channels.

open your fucking eyes, a try to gain a wider persective of the world and it's issues beyond the US.

Until then every intelligent, educated person that reads your posts will consider you a redneck ignoramous, as do I.

same thing goes for the sins guy...

*insert post by ledmag where he calls me a "nut-eater" or something equally clever, here*

Ok, here goes.

IM going to explain something to you. I dont care what you think of me. YOu dont know what im doing in this thread. If you had read the post i made just before yours, you may would know.

This thread is not to be taken seriously. I started this thread and acted the way im acting to prove to the 2 brizilians that they were acting stupid. SO i acted stupid as well.

If you notice, i have chatted with dragon lord on this war, and didnt say one bad thing to him or against him. Cause he did the same for me.

The sooner you figure out some things, the better you will be.

I jumped you the 1st time over what you said about about KY. I didnt tell you till now. I had never flamed you before. SO in that respect,m you were acting childlish, and brainless just as i haev acted in this thread..

No one is without guilt. not you, not me noone.

As for my knowledge is concerned, i dont know if the things i read and see are truth or lies, i do my best to seperate them. I haev a very opened mind, and i read papers from all over the world.

as far as basic cable, i had my satilight cut off 3 yrs ago. That wasnt basic, and now i watch my mums tv when i see news. Otherwise i read it.

Im out of time, i have to make a phone call.
Ok stupid ledmag.
First, u shiuld learn some geography at school.
In Brazil there are no llamas. Llamas dwell Peru.
You say that i must learn some english, well, the official language in Brazil is portuguese, I'm not supposed to speak a perfect english, u dumb ass.
U have many spelling mistakes, so what are u talking about me??
And english is your official language.

Another thing, u said i started offending and stuff, but i didn't.
U started this shit. I was just arguing with you, shouwing my point of view, then u got pissed and started with all this ridiculous prejudice about south-americans.
The problem is, u know nothing about Brazil to say such things.
You see? Even Azal that's from the Usa sees you are wrong.
So, u cannot say that we(brazilians) are saying bullshit because we're jeallous of your "mighty" country.

I hope u gain a lot of money cutting wood. Bye
Jugulator said:
Ok stupid ledmag.
First, u shiuld learn some geography at school.
In Brazil there are no llamas. Llamas dwell Peru.
You say that i must learn some english, well, the official language in Brazil is portuguese, I'm not supposed to speak a perfect english, u dumb ass.
U have many spelling mistakes, so what are u talking about me??
And english is your official language.

Another thing, u said i started offending and stuff, but i didn't.
U started this shit. I was just arguing with you, shouwing my point of view, then u got pissed and started with all this ridiculous prejudice about south-americans.
The problem is, u know nothing about Brazil to say such things.
You see? Even Azal that's from the Usa sees you are wrong.
So, u cannot say that we(brazilians) are saying bullshit because we're jeallous of your "mighty" country.

I hope u gain a lot of money cutting wood. Bye

Ok, first off...Im making fun of you with the llama biz. And its working.
I know where brazil is, I know where teh rest of teh SA countries are as well. Why does that seem so importatnt to you?

2nd, you may not have to speak perfect english, all im getting at is, before you argue with an english speaking person, you should learn a bit more, so you can argue properly, and understand.

3rd, You did offend me, you i pasted some of your bullshit on the original post in this thread. You were spewing, so i gave you your own medicine., I spewed at you. ITs ok for you to bash a country thats giving you money, but its not ok for a person living in the country your bashing to say anything out of the way to you. RIGHT/ Yeah, thats your point of view. "im gonna call USA names, but ill be damned if the USA can call me names" yeah, thats you.

4th, Azal just lives in the USA, he isnt from the USA. I would eleaborate more, but you wouldnt understand.

5th, I may come across as being predjudice, but you know, im just acting as you act. ITs bad news cause you MEAN every word you say. Im just carrying on, being childesh. SHowing you how YOU act. ITs not nice is it? really, no joke here, its not nice or fun at all is it?ANd another thing, you should take more time to remember the stuff you say and do. Im gettin tired of reading stuff from you and a few others, and then calling you on it, and you just dont remember what you did. Thats bullshit. Take responsibility for what you say and do. ANd you werent showing me anything you dumb were talking to someone else in the PIC thread, i just butted in, like you did in the before mentioned thread. Ill bet you dont even remember.

6th, I know enough about Brazil, ill admint, ive never been there. BUt yeah, i read, and still study, and made good grades in school. You ppl try to make a big deal that no one in the USA knows where anyother country is, well your wrong whwn it comes to me.

7th, whether your jelouse or not, i dont know or care, but you sure do spew a lot of stuff, one would think you haev been in the USA for yrs by the way you spew. At least one would think that if they had never been to the USA.

to cut things short, i can lower myself to your level or AZALS....but in the end, ill rise back up from the muck.

As far as the wood. Yeah, i do that stuff in the winter. I make enough during the warm seasons to set back all winter if i want. BUt why should i? If there is money to be made to better myself and my family, then why the hell shouldnt i do it. Just think of it this way, i just may not pay taxes on the wood money, that means thats one chunk of dollars your country will not get.

Hey , i thought you werent gonna talk to me anymore? Well, your a liar as well arent you? Yes you are.
thanks aguy...

ITs hard to chat with some of these ppl. but hey, you read my reply to him already.

hey i just converted the CONAN soundtrack to MP3.
azal said:
ledmag you're a fucking idiot.

try speaking greek as well as he speaks english you tool.

your views are so narrow and ethnocentric, you have zero knowledge beyond what goes on in your back yard and what you read in your local hick newspaper and watch on your basic cable news channels.

open your fucking eyes, a try to gain a wider persective of the world and it's issues beyond the US.

Until then every intelligent, educated person that reads your posts will consider you a redneck ignoramous, as do I.

same thing goes for the sins guy...

*insert post by ledmag where he calls me a "nut-eater" or something equally clever, here*
I am educated fairly intellegent and I don't think Ledmag is a redneck ignoramous. In fact being that I use to live in KY, ledmeg seems educated and fairly intelligent aswell. I might not always agree with his veiws about every thing, but must people in Ky over the age of 35 or 40 don't know how to think for them-selves (most not all).

However, to Azal and the brazilian guys, if you think that ledmag and I are unintelligent because we name call, then try reading you own post. Almost every post you three have made has been to insult or to ridicul every one in here for what they stand for or believe.

Ledmags spelling and grammer errors (as well as mine) are do to "fat finger syndrome". :) (Joking)

If you want to insult me (and be "p.c." about it) for something, then think a little harder about what it is you are going to say. Realize that my problem is not spealing but typing. I'm trying to get faster at my typing rather then making sure I am using the proper spelling and grammer tools. Don't let you're emotion or the facted that you want every one on this forum to think you are cool control how you reply to people. Think before you speak.

The same reason you think the USA is a shitty country, I find it a more then decent country, and that would be based on what we both feel is the truth. We all have access to the same info. How we process the data is what is different. I look at the bad stuff and find the lesser evil. You seem to find the bad stuff and exploite it and talk shit about it. Well, if I wanted to be a drug lord or if I found that a drugs to be cool, I would not think that Brazil (based on columbia) was worse then the US (when it comes to drugs). However, no country is better then another when it comes to that shit. So, I won't dog any country about it's wrongs, untill some wants to dig up all our dirt.

Now you guys on the other hand constantly talk shit about the negative stuff.

Fuck it I wrote enough.

(all views and opinions are of thesins and not that of ledmags)
TEE>>Have you not seen him do it before? Hows things btw?

AGUY...>>>Great soundtrack dude. The first film soundtrack is what i have. Been thinking about getting number 2.
ledmag said:
well said sin.
Thanks dude.

A friend of mine from KY is coming out the 3rd of may. Taking him to the Grand Canyon and rafting (well tubing , but there are a few good rapids lol).

Wanting to come back home but I keep spendin my extra cash on toys. :):):Spin::)!:OMG::)

Hey ledmag, what do u mean by "your country depends on the Usa" ???
U must be joking!!!
Yes, I'm a liar, I answered, are u happy now?

ps: As u think I'm not condign of speaking english to you, I'll do u a favor.
From now on, I'll only answer to you in portuguese, ok?

See ya

Well, ill just tell ya. Im nealry finished with you. SOme charities, just arent worth the time. You will not, and you refuse to understand or take resposibility for what you did and what you said.

No matter how many times i tell you, its not gonna sink in. Your not gonna remember your words, your not gonna who you said it to. SO its USELESS. Your useless. Your parents should take you on vacation very far from home, and LEAVE JOE DIRT. Or JOE LLAMA TURD.

Your dad looks nice in your avatar.
Oh , i suppose i should haev said the pic of your dad in your sig.

Would the fan in your avatar be the same fan you use to BLOW THE COBB WEBS from your hollow skull?
If my knowledge of brazilian history is correct, the only thing the US did was overthrow a well-running socialist government in about the 1950s and put in place a dictatorship with pro-american sentiments that crippled the country both economically and politically for several decades.
azal said:
If my knowledge of brazilian history is correct, the only thing the US did was overthrow a well-running socialist government in about the 1950s and put in place a dictatorship with pro-american sentiments that crippled the country both economically and politically for several decades.

Find that on the internet and send it to me. Because I never heard of that happing.
The problem with you, who are stuck in your little place, watching your governments tV, reading your governments papers, and learning what your government wants you to learn, you cnat give a chance, you proved it when you said what the COALITION will do, you know, the stuff that hasnt happend yet. Yeah, you ve already made your mind up. I am supporting the liberation of these ppls
Oh my God ...
you watch ONLY U.S.A. TV CHANNELS, while i can watch the channels of my country and Cnn too .
My government is not an enemy of the u.s.a. and never said openly that they are against the war.
So next time before trying to play the smart ass unsuccesfully , try not to speak about things you are not aware of .
Tell me what things i wrote are wrong tell me what i wrote and doesnt exist ? the price of liberation is the death of others ? WHO DECIDES THIS THING ?YOU ARE NOT TO DECIDE WHO DIES IN ORDER TO LIBERATE SOMEONE , NOONE IS.
STORM>>I didnt decide anything. Governments did.
Oh, i cant see news from all over the world?

Look stormy, im getting tired of gripping with you ppl. We can go on forever. SO we may as well stop now. Im ok with the happy ppl in IRAQ, they are ok with what happened, its none of your BIZ anyway. Your not involved physically, or with your tax dollars. SOrry i ever got involved with you on this issue. Im sure i know nothing about you, and you havent been nowhere near the PUNK azal and the 2 brazilians have been. And i know you know noting about me.

AZAL>>>I read about the WORLD AID PACKAGE a few weeks ago concerning BRAZIL.

I see you couldnt take time to read the polite thread i made for you, but you sure as hell can decifer the words of my posts in this thread. That says lots for you. Your nothing. You may as well stab out your eyes, cause your blind be default anyway.