Maelstrom Katatonia Interview: US Tour '06


May 16, 2004
Orlando, Florida USA
Ok kiddies! The new issue of Maelstrom is up and the interview with Anders and Jonas I conducted is up as well!

You can reach the ezine by going to or by simply clicking the banner in my signature!

You asked us for questions and asked about zero of the ones we listed, plus the interview was too focused on things outside of katatonia but this was funny

"Maelstrom: Katatonia's “new sound” has changed many times since the band got back together, finally settling on a “dark rock” sound that has been shown on Viva Emptiness and The Great Cold Distance. Are you comfortable with this sound and will you keep this sound?

Jonas Renkse: Yes, I think that we're very comfortable with this sound.

Anders Nyström: No, I think it's too early to tell whether this sound will stay the same or change again. I mean, it's too early to tell what the future holds, and so we'll just have to wait and see what the future brings. One thing's for certain though, we won't be going back to doom."

none of the questions you guys wanted to know were legit really :-/

They were all about stuff like the meaning of the roach in the artwork or something.... not interview worthy questions.
heh, sorry but the questions you asked have all been asked a gazillion times and weren't that interesting. The roach thing would have been interesting and something new. no offense but next time don't do the "legit interview guy thing" and do something we haven't heard before.
mrs. marsh. Hi it's chef. yea im good. listen stan and his friends just got served. yeah, yeah over at the true value. no, no he's fine, they're all fine. yeah, it was some kids from outta town, apparentely they were pretty good dancers, they really let em have it.
the interview was short, because it seemed Anders preferred it that way, so I kept it short.

I did a little digging and I tried to ask questions that I thought would be interesting towards my target audience, which would be the readers of Maelstrom, not the regulars of the Official Katatonia forum who know most everything about the band already. This interview was targeted for the casual reader who may not be as knowledgeable as you guys. I had several of my buddies come to me after I got back from my interview and ask me about whether Diabolical Masquerade is really coming back or not, etc. All those questions are answered in the interview.

So I'm sorry if you guys didn't like it, but an interview consisting of questions like: "What's up with the roach in the artwork of TGCD?" isn't really what the casual reader wants to know when browsing the pages of Maelstrom, that's what the die hard kata-nerd [I say that lovingly] wants to know.

Also, my recording equipment failed, so I had to paraphrase the entire interview a week later completely from memory.
Well I'm sure if you have the knowledge to turn a computer on and search for things on Yahoo or Google...then you can find several interviews just like this.

But you did what you must.
Katatonia "broke up?" When was this?

Maelstrom: Jonas, When Katatonia broke up, you and Fred [Norrman] created a project called October Tide that released only two albums. Is there any chance at all that October Tide will ever come back?