magazine author jobs

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
does anyone know how you can get one of these? what are the requirements, who do i need to talk to, etc etc. id be interested in submitting some of my writtings. and kill some time
Best thing to do is study the way the magazine articles are written, try to do something in a similar vein then email, or post it to the editor (with return postage). If you can, write something no one else is doing - like maybe a local band in your area or something.

If you don't want to make money doing it shouldn't be too difficult - try emailing reviews to some of the internet sites.
im allready writting stuff for a website. ive done a few band features. but id like to do a magazine just because.. its a magazine hehe. gets more attention.

but thanks for the tips ill give that a shot
Well it's good to try and read magazines and see how a good article is written and everything. I don't write articles yet but i might try some and submit it to a mag like "Unrestrained!" or "Throat Culture" (two of my favorite metal mags)

it's a good time killer and it's cool to get an article published :)