MagnusIII of Norway/ Legbiter


New Metal Member
Jul 25, 2013
I'd love AA to do write something about MagnusIII and his legendary sword Legbiter. I was down at Magnus' grave today and think the story of Magnus' life and death would inspire a great song/video:

"When his men said that he proceeded incautiously in his campaigns, Magnus is reported to have responded "Kings are made for honour, not for long life"; he was the last Norwegian king to fall in battle abroad."

Very AA! Legbiter would make a great track name too. Here's what wiki has on Magnus III.
Someone needs to make a big budget movie about his grandfather Harald Hardrada. Now there's a guy who led a truly EPIC life!!

Agreed, he is truly a "larger than life"-character and the amount of battles he participated in (and won) during his lifetime is just amazing.