If you analize the whole movie is made to sell a clean, nice intelligent look at Iron Maiden and heavy metal concerts. It's very clever in the way it transmit the message.
So the obtuse metalhead who wants everything to be
tr00 kultit's gonna nag because the band is so angelical, but the parents (like maybe that guy in a tie) will see this and think
maybe the music that my kids listening is not that bad a role model.
The movie took the time to show the famous incident when Chile forbided the band to play because of satanism accusations, and then they show finally we play in Chile,
see we are normal, we are clean, we deliver fun and music.
The images of Japanese kid in the row, the guy with the drum stick crying in Colombia, the Brazilian priest which has made Maiden a cult, the Canadian girl sucking her finger, even the girl running with bare breasts for a second (in Colombia I think) were presented with style, to ensure a beuatiful view of the show and the band.
I think this movie besides the fact that most of the audiences are going to be metalheads who doesn't need to be convinced, is going to open mentalities to the genre to those outside who see it for whatever reason. I think Sam Dunn pick a great subject and the band knew he will deliver a great documentary (I doubt he could acomplished the same with Motley Crue, Tankard or Deicide

Definitively a must see, a must have and a great idea by Maiden and Dunn, kudos to both for a job well done.