Maiden gets egged at Ozzfest - photo


Sep 14, 2001
My friend Neil got this shot of Steve Harris getting egged at the SoCal ozzfest.
Steve Harris is a metal icon....I can't believe some idiot egged him....or anyone else in the
metalgtr84 said:
Who the hell would keep eggs in their pocket all day in San Bernadino and then try and throw them at Iron Maiden?

People from the Osbourne camp that's who, because there is no way you could possibly sneak anything into that venue, especially for an Ozzfest. I've been through there many times and after they search you, you end up feeling cheap and used. Not only a lame thing of the Osbourne camp to do to Maiden, but a fucking insult to all of the fans who put a roof over $haron's head and pay for all of her plastic surgery.