Maiden gets egged at Ozzfest

ozzy has sucked ass since he left sab.

zakk , i like his music, but he is a red neck wanna be, who uses the fuck word than i do....and thats too much.

i dont care for maiden either, but i would not throw eggs at them.
ledmag said:
zakk , i like his music, but he is a red neck wanna be,


How true.

I saw them live couple of months ago, the guy does put up a kick ass show,
I was very impressed, but at the end of the show, he was like:
I'd like to dedicate this show to god, *said while doing the father-son-holy-ghost sign* "lets all pray for god and forget the hate"

thats lame.
Plain and simple ....

Ozzy is washed up. He made himslef look like an ass for doing a reality TV show while not taking his meds. Hes IS really that fucking dumb...

As for Sharon the only reason shes still with ozzy is cause he makes her money. Shes just like her daddy no difference. Shes a old hag that has no respect for the people who CREATED METAL !!!! Along with sabbath of course.....

Maiden were one of the very 1st "TECHNICAL" (for the time) metal bands around. Im waiting on a comment about this from Halford and the Boys from PRIEST ....

As far as the BLS crew rushing the stage with a USA flag ... what is sharon and idiot... shes from the UK ...WTF was she thinking Just goes to show you how stupid she really is....

Maiden are professionals that dont have to TUNE DOWN their guitars so theit singer is IN KEY with the song. Bruce is one of the greatest vocalists in metal...

I say we all show our support by going and bashing the morons in the Ozzy and BLS forums

Da Fukn Guru
Dead hot liioness>>I have the BLS DVD, and i agree good show. On the DVD, he just kept sayin, LIMP BIZKIT SUCKS....LIMP BIZKIT still sucks...I mean shit a stream of fire, we dont need anyone to tell us what we already know...but my point is, how childesh is that?

GURU>>yes, Bruce is awsome on vox...i only wish they had/would done/do more stuff without the GALLOPing guitars...i do have MOST of their stuff on MP3, got it in a trade.
oh yeah again, Zakko claims to be a patriot cause his daddy fought for the USA in one war or the other...well, my father was in war as well, hey, i say, that was my dad not me.
Zakk's acting like an idiot in this.

All Bruce said was that USA crowds were lame compared to crowds from overseas. And guess what, I believe him. That's not talking shit on America.
Skeksis said:
Zakk's acting like an idiot in this.

All Bruce said was that USA crowds were lame compared to crowds from overseas. And guess what, I believe him. That's not talking shit on America.

Wakken >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ozzfest
I love Maiden
But Bruce Bruce is a PRICK
He always, well here in Toronto...always insults the crowd, fans
eg. "Where or all the metalheads in Toronto,Toronto is not metal.this shit hole is not even half full.Montreal was sold out in a hour. well this one is called the Trooper for you lame Torontonians"
Bruce is a Dick (BTW a ticket cost $78)
I was hanging out with Steve Harris after the show, and he even said Dick-son
has to slow down on " His loose lips"
Fuck Bruce

Just my view:
ledmag said:
Dead hot liioness>>I have the BLS DVD, and i agree good show. On the DVD, he just kept sayin, LIMP BIZKIT SUCKS....LIMP BIZKIT still sucks...I mean shit a stream of fire, we dont need anyone to tell us what we already know...but my point is, how childesh is that?

GURU>>yes, Bruce is awsome on vox...i only wish they had/would done/do more stuff without the GALLOPing guitars...i do have MOST of their stuff on MP3, got it in a trade.

Hey Brother!!!
I always get a chuckle when I look at the old pix of
ZAKK the pretty boy, then he grows a beard,stopes showering
and lowers his voice and turns into a biker hahahah
That is fromage.
Has anyone read a interview with Zack that he
*does not talk about drinking beer and drinking beer drinking beer and drinking beer drinking beer and drinking beer and how he wants to beat up C Love of Dave Grohl or*...fuck its time for rehab boy
lizard said:
Schenker era UFO rocks.

it's not the fans fault that Maiden became more or less irrelevant 15 years ago. I mean, I like them but their best albums were clearly the earliest.

Lizard Knows!!
How ya doin' bro?
I'm on my Schenker kick today
Im on Walk on Water already haha, its been a long day
Strangers In The Night still kicks my ass, my fave live album ever (next to Tokyo Tapes)
troy>>>Yeah, remember when ozz first picked him up...that hair metal hair do he had ? hahahha

Yeah brother, how ya been? I still jam out to thos ediscs you burnt for me a few yrs ago..

I lost your phone me sometime if you can...around 10PM anynight is a good time to try...

What was i said to ya ..about someone...?you dug it...oh yeah, "I'll knock that fucking smile right off your fucking face".....hahahhaha..,..