All hail the negro race!

That's the point. The failboat was not immature at all btw and it definitely wasn't the 100th time it's been posted.

Yeah and that so wasn't the 100th time you've posted "Do you have a girlfriend? I do, I have sex too, I'm awesome, now watch while I suck my own dick because it's so awesome"

In response to someone disagreeing with you.
I was thinking of adding a second St. Bernard... I miss the super hyper antics of a young St. Bernard. The only reason I haven't is that I fear that my current, Lucy (yes, in the sky with diamonds), will begin getting jealous whenever I give the second one (if I were to get another, female name would definitely be Suzy Creamcheese, male would be Michael Kenyon) attention and start having hissy fits. She gets pissed when I'm on the phone, for fucks sake. God forbid I pet another dog near her.

This thread is now titled: All Hail DOGS.