Do you have a girlfriend? Well maybe I set the bar too high... Have you ever even been touched by a girl?

I know these things Joe. Thanks though. There's a couple great girls I could have had but I wasted them all chasing one.
I'm a popular guy, I'm not down on myself in public. This is the fucking internet, it has to go somewhere.
Swedish people, start the OMGWTFBBQ.
My girlfriend and me have been together for a year and a half now, thanks for asking. I don't see how such a feeble attempt at an insult makes this thread any less pathetic.Do you have a girlfriend? Well maybe I set the bar too high... Have you ever even been touched by a girl?![]()
Do you have a girlfriend? Well maybe I set the bar too high... Have you ever even been touched by a girl?![]()
And I never said my life was shitty. I usually have a great time socially. It's that I can't get girls, damn it. Oh, and I hate work.
Anyway I really am sorry. I was rude and you rank higher on here than I do. I do need to get a grip on myself.
My girlfriend and me have been together for a year and a half now, thanks for asking.
You know how I doWow, way to be a total fucking arse![]()
Honestly, if you don't like me, just say so. I can't really make any accurate judgement on your personality because I've never met you face to face, but if you have the same self-depricating attitude that you convey here, I can guarantee that that's the reason why girls aren't interested in you. If you don't think of yourself as worthwhile, why would anybody else?. So don't back down just because I "rank higher" than you (and I'm not even entirely sure what that means).
What I said about improving your situation was more directed at your home life. If you really can't stand living with your parents, save up enough to move out. It's up to you to decide what's really worth your money, but I somehow doubt that drugs are really going to make you a happier person.
You know how I do![]()
In all seriousness though, comments like that are pretty fuckin immature, not to mention retardedly arrogant.
I've never known John to act like he does in the forum as a person. He was always kind and well mannered and respectable. I still think that because i have hung out with John numerous amount of times. It's just the internet.
When i met Max i thought he would be like he is on the forum board. But I was wrong. Max was a nice guy and i enjoyed his company. Russel was how i expected, and i've met Will before so I already knew his crazy ass. Basically what I'm getting to is some of us act a bit different on the internet then in person.
Undefined might act like an arse but I bet in person he is a funny guy and i would enjoy that.
I've never known John to act like he does in the forum as a person. He was always kind and well mannered and respectable. I still think that because i have hung out with John numerous amount of times. It's just the internet.
and it was free (for me and em)
I don't need advice from someone who drove for the first time yesterday.