All hail the negro race!

That completly depends. If some guys get their nose broken, they will cry, fights over. Others will shrug it off and keep coming at you.

I've never had mine broken personally.
Word. Grappling will fuck your shit up. I was in Jujitsu when I was in college back in 2002 but later realized that ground fighting wasn't my style. I've since sparred friends who took the shit and if you're brought to the ground, you're in a world of hurt.

Also Eric, throat punch isn't necessarily the easiest thing to accomplish. There is a limited amount of exposure you can use to target and due to not only a person's reflex but the situation itself counting the increased amount of movement, it makes it more difficult to get someone perfectly to where they'd go down. Also, if you hit them hard enough to break their windpipe, you're looking at criminal charges depending on your location and whether or not the situation would be proven as self-defense.

You're almost better off targeting someone's temple to get them disoriented. A quick enough jab to cause a knockout is your best bet.

But remember, sweep the leg, Johnny.

Throat shot is easy as FUCK... most people are more worried about their face, so their guard is centered on their face. Not even equating trash talk time. A lot of people like to trash talk for some reason, so while they talk, you do a quick dive in and hit em in the throat before they finish calling you a shrimp or whatever. The biggest problem for small vs large in this aspect though is that you have to move in to get any shot. The key to that, as I've found, is just take a few shots to yourself (or try to avoid them, or at least position yourself moving in to areas that won't effect too much) and just keep pushing in and hope you have the energy to run the shot you're going for. Most people think of small as a disadvantage, but, personally, if you can take a few hits and stay standing, you're on top of the world at that point. They've already tired themselves out and you've only just begun. Or you can just not fight at all and come up with a logical, peaceful, solution to the problem. :lol:
I didn't really want to continue this terrible thread with more ranting about fighting, but just to clarify something here.

I've had my nose broken half a dozen times, 4 of them in fights. I can honestly say that the 3rd and 4th time I was so aware of the pain, it really just didn't affect me nearly as much.

Not that it plays any part in a fight anyway, I have enough background experience in boxing now (took a bunch of training after breaking my nose so many times, which ended up coming down to me getting that operation) that I have no problem blocking anything someone throws at me towards the face.

Anyways, fighting is stupid, I hate it, and the only time I've instigated a fight was against my sister's boyfriend. Sister's young, boyfriend was my age, druggie and abusive, said and done. I've been in life threatening fights, I know my way around one if need be, but honestly, words can get you through a hell of a lot more than punching someone can. The fact that I work out is for health reasons, and because of all my previous injuries, I'd prefer to try and stay out of a wheelchair, which apparently is imminent for me by the age of 30. I plan on showing those doctors wrong.
Then lets all love each other instead!