Maiden Los Angeles - Day 1

Keyser Soze

Anti-Social Socialist
May 28, 2002
at work....
Arch Enemy RULED! They won the crowd over rather quickly and the band was appreciative to them and to Iron Maiden for having them. I think everyone was trying to figure out how that voice, came out of that girl! lol
On to Maiden.
What can I say? The crowd was on fire! And the boys responded! All the guys had huge grins on their faces throughout the show, surely a good thing after the fiasco of the last night gig in NY. The Dance of Death songs went over pretty well, especially Journeyman during the encore. They arranged it beautifully, with the crowd chanting right at the beginning, a la Fear of the Dark.
Can I Play With Madness? :OMG: Awesome!
Paschendale is a new live classic. A powerful song performed brilliantly tonight.
Bruce took a bad spill during Hallowed, falling from the structure next to the drumset and landing next to Nicko. He rolled over and grabbed his hand. The guys continued to play, but Janick and Dave came over to him to see what was wrong. A roadie helped Bruce to his feet, and he picked up the song, right on cue. The crowd roared and applauded when Bruce got up, and Steve smiled broadly at the reaction.
One complaint:
No Powerslave songs?
Ya, he was nowhere to be found backstage. Word was he wasn't feeling that great due to that fall. Can't say I blame him. Still, an awesome night! Good seeing you gals, Keyser sisters!!!! And you too, Red Shirt!!! Char will be posting some new pics on the site shortly!:grin: Damn, that kick drum was BLASTING my eardrums where we were sitting. I almost felt like I had to puke from all that low end! I noticed the font on his cymbals that says PAISTE looked like it was in Iron Maiden font! Too cool! They were in great form tonight! Sounded splendid!
The first Maiden shows I ever attended were on the POWERSLAVE tour. I saw them twice; Once at Rosemont Horizon in Chicago (with Twisted Sister), then the following summer at Poplar Creek (with Accept). I have fond memories of both of these shows completely KICKING ASS. :rock:

Well... I just got back from the Universal show tonight. Good GOD did it ever suck balls. When I bought the $75 "orchestra pit" ticket (which turned-out to be stage-left seating so FAR left that all I could see were the tops of their heads)... I was afraid Maiden would not live up to my expectations. I knew they would still be Maiden -- but maybe an older, slower version. I was really afraid of being bummed-out, but what I saw tonight was WORSE than anything I have imagined. :ill:

I spent most of the evening completely bored out of my mind.
50 MINUTES of DANCE OF DEATH?!? ugh. An acoustic guitar jam?! zzzzzzzzzzz....

I know the hardcore fans of "current" Maiden must've been crapping their pants with happiness, but come on -- How can you play CAN I PLAY WITH MADNESS, but *not* play POWERSLAVE, KILLERS, 2 MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT, FLIGHT OF ICARUS, ACES HIGH, or DIE WITH YOUR BOOTS ON?!? :err:

I'm really sorry I didn't like the show... I'm NOT trying to be a prick. I love Maiden, but I seriously feel like I got ripped-off. I know the band wants to play its new stuff, but CHRIST -- give it a chance to BECOME a classic before force-feeding it to the fans -- especially the young kids -- They want to hear the oldies. That's why they showed-up!

Anyway... I saw a few of the Maidens there... and halfway thru the show, I started thinking about how awesome it was to watch the girls suddenly start ripping-into PHANTOM OF THE OPERA. I was hoping the real Iron Maiden would once again give me chills like that. No dice. :erk:
Dance of Death is not so bad... geez... threadslayers! ;)
I didn't like that they chose to play the 2 longest songs (but Paschendale was bloody awesome), but I didn't mind, because I kinda like DoD.
As for no Powerslave songs... or Piece of Mind songs... yeah, that sucked, but the crowd still loved it... I don't know if I would have chosen Lord of the Flies...
another short complaint... could someone slip some valium or something on Janick's drink... I thought he was going to hurt himself with his ballerina-on-acid act...
It was great to see most of the maidens last night :)
I couldn't make it to the Hard Rock... we just went right inside... the funny thing was... they started playing Arch Enemy over the PA... they did something like... 3 songs off the new record over the PA... I started to think that the band wasn't playing.. :lol:
cycosuicide said:
My complaint? Too much damn money for tix. Hence I didn't go. For $75, I would like to think that Maiden put on one Hell of a show. :OMG:
Mine too Cyco. No wonder there were still seats available at the last minute. I could justify the $65 summer tour since Motorhead and Dio were on the bill (even with their sets were short).
I also wasn't impressed with the setlist I read. I don't hate DoD and would actually like hearing some of it rather than "Can I Play with Madness" - bleah. :erk:
Glad I sat this one out. I agree Keyser, Janick's ballerina gets really tired after like the 2nd song. Hearing that makes me wish he took the tumble rather than Bruce. Once Adrian was back, I saw no reason for Janick in the band, but that's just me.
when i saw bruce rolling around by the drum kit after he fell and then a roadie ran out, my first thought was WWF cuz he was singing about dying. perhaps it was the earlier DOD outfit of crushed velvet cape and mask on a stick that when removed :cool: revealed another mask :cool: that fueled my reaction. aside from his fall, it was an awesome show. paschendale is prime arena material; the different moods of this song are huge live. i loved rainmaker, and thought dave's little misfret on the harmony part was charming :Spin: missed AE, but fun night all around-redshirt got his shirt signed! hell yes!
Keyser Soze said:
you... LUCKY SOD! I saw your PM right before I left for the show... you had no ticket... and you got to meet Steve? Why is it that it doesn't happen to me? ;)
You're right, I had no tix. I actually had no plans to even go. But Friday after work I said fuck it, I'm going! No expectations (except to get in). After the gig, I spotted Wanda handing out flyers. We headed over to the rest of the maidens (except Jen - she wasn't there). I tried to follow them backstage, but security wouldn't let me. Knowing this guys heard every story in the book, I turned around, pulled 40 bucks out, turned back around and said "Haven't you ever had a chance in a lifetime come up? I've been waiting 20 years for this moment." He was slow to give in, but waiving 40 bucks (inconspicuously) he eventually did. Even at that point I had no guarantees of meeting or seeing anybody. Atleast another 30 min went by. Then boom, there's Steve Harris. It was like flies on shit. I slipped in from the backside and said "Steve!, can you sign my shirt?" He immediately turned to me and signed it. Mark (the maidens manager) was nice enough to snap a photo too!! Thanks Mark! Never saw Bruce or Janick, but later Dave & Adrian came out. Nicko made a straight shot for the van, never greeted the fans. Micheal Kinney was out with the fans the whole time, but I don't think many fans knew of him since hardly anybody was approaching him (except the maidens). F**K, I'M SOOO STOKED!!!! PRICELESS!!