Maiden/Maidens Photos

Kick Ass Photos!

The whole meet n’ greet must have been so surreal!

I had the pleasure of meeting Steve Harris & Dave Murray in the parking lot of the Hollywood Palace on the X-Factor tour. I was in complete awe & speechless. The only thing I had for them to sign was a PowerSlave cassette?!

You ladies deserve it… for spreading the gospel of metal to were no men have gone before. (Insert Star Trek theme here)

I met Adrian Smith years ago when my band Fortress played at The Troubadour. It must have been 1987 or 1988. He hung out with us backstage and drank a few with us. Someone has a videotape of it somewhere out there...
Hey Maidens!! Very cool you all got to meet the band. That had to be great. When is the concert tour of Iron Maiden w/ the Iron Maidens opening?

BTW, looking forward to the band coming east again sometime. My schedule got totally mucked up when you were nearby this year. Maybe during NAMM?

Stew - SIT
SciKikMobster said:

I had the pleasure of meeting Steve Harris & Dave Murray in the parking lot of the Hollywood Palace on the X-Factor tour. I was in complete awe & speechless. The only thing I had for them to sign was a PowerSlave cassette?!

I too was in the Palace parking lot that night in early 1996, and I got Steve Harris to sign about 10 CD booklets. The madman of Jones Beach [AKA Nicko] and Dave signed some things for me too.:p
Sounds like a great bunch of blokes. Too bad they couldn't be bothered to do the same thing at the Long Beach show. They never came out of their dressing room.