No More Lies Competition

Keyser Soze said:
heheheh Red Shirt can't enter....
He won the one I gave away at the Jam yesterday... (Which was AWESOME, I might add)

That winning was by a drawing... pure luck! What a great prize tho! :) I put that wrist band to immediate use that night with all that rocking out :headbang: There were sooo many prizes given away. I also won a Hanger 18 T-shirt, sweet! However since it was too small, I asked Fro for the right size... and in RED! That got a good laugh. (We'll see if he comes through.) Keyz won a cool prize too... an Iron Maiden flag. Keyz quickly used it as a cape that night. Great night, great cause, killer show. They raised more than $2000 that night. Whoever wins this prize will be stoked too.
Keyser Soze said:
Let's see... I bought 4 copies...
gave one at the Metal Jam
gave one to a friend
giving one to the Mighty Maidens for a giveaway
keeping one... :)

Wish me luck then.. I don't even have 1 copy yet... ack ack...
