Maiden Newcastle Show Review from Kerrang!

Keyser Soze said:
Anyone here going? Maybe we should have a forum peeps meeting at the Hard Rock or sumthin'?!
I'm not. I'm going to see Opeth at the Mouse of Blues (that's the Anaheim House of Blues at Disneyland, for those not paying attention or unaware of the reference). Plus, that will be my only free weekend before school. Add to that the tourists, the band's shenanigans at Long Beach and the fact that I STILL think Dance of Death is Kerrapp!, the only thing I can say to everyone is...

Have fun! :wave: No, really!
I try never to miss an LA or Orange County Maiden show. I'm going both nights.

I don't recall any "shenanigans at Long Beach" either.
Keyser Soze said:
What happened at Long Beach!? I want to see Opeth! ARRGH! ok,.... lay off the coffee Keyz!
I was referring to the band apparently not being able to be bothered to come out of their dressing room to meet people in the VIP area. Needless to say, it's kind of dropped my opinion of the band, especially when there are other bands out a lot longer doing better business that are more than happy to meet and greet their fans.

As to Opeth, they're playing both nights that Maiden are playing if I remember correctly, just in different venues.