maiden parody


New Metal Member
Mar 30, 2005
i need someone t sing some lyrics to a instramental track to #of the beast called palooza of the beast. can anyone help me out i need this done by tonight sorry for such notice the singer i had coming over got a cold

I left alone my mind was blank
I needed time to drink get the memories from my mind

What did I see can I believe that what I DID
that night was real and not just fantasy

Just what I saw in my own dreams were they
reflections of my warped mind staring back at me

Cos in my dreams it's always there, the evil face
that time warps my mind and brings me to dispair

The night was black twas no use holding back
Cos I just had to see the audience watching me
In the mist dark figures move and twist
was all this for real or some kind of show
666 the PALOOZA of the Beast
Hell and fire was born to be released

SAM was blazed and sacred chants were praised
as we start to drink, vomits in the sink
In the night the the movies burning bright
the ritual has begun frankie's work is done
666 the PALOOZA of the Beast
drunken plight is going on tonight

This can't go on I must inform the law
Can this still be real or some crazy dream
but I feel drawn towards the drinking hall
it seems to mesmerise... can't avoid their eyes
666 the PALOOZA of the Beast
everywhere theres booze for you and me

We're coming back We will return
And We'll possess your body and We'll make you burn
We have the liquer WE have the force
we have the pleasure to make our evil take its course
I have no idea where your posting from, but I doubt it's anywhere near Stanley, VA. I'm not Bruce or even Aja, but I'm a decent singer and will do it over Skype if you have Skype or your computer can get back to me into the next hour or so.
Do you want someone to actually do some justice singing it (which I can do) or do just want someone to sound more and more drunk as the song goes on? I'm actually a non-drinker, but can do the slurred speech thing pretty good.
PM me.