Maiden songs that get to you


Lilin Child
Nov 3, 2005
Can't believe I bloody scrolled right past this board.

I'd like to know some of the songs/albums of Iron Maiden that really get to you, get you off your feet doing some air guitar or just singing. Two songs that I really love are Fear of the Dark and Hallowed Be Thy Name. Suggestions of some great songs would be appreciated.

~Cheers Yenom
Favorites are the songs with the fast and furious "Aces High" and "Be Quick or Be Dead"....etc.

Totally exhilirating ride.........
Back in the Village
Still Life
Sun and Steel
Deja Vu
Caught Somewhere in Time
I've got the fire
Infinite Dreams
Be Quick

man i really can go on and on....:headbang:
Anything from 7th Son, ESPECIALLY Infinite Dreams. :headbang: The beginning of that song is so... ok I'll say it - sexy! :oops:

Wasting Love really moves me, too. The message in the lyric is so meaningful. I can't help it - I'm a geek! :tickled: I just love power ballads!!!

Blood Brothers does that to me too. The melody is so beautiful and I love the instrumentation!
Yes Blood Brothers is a good one, it’s like violins on electric guitars, but with a furious burst of soloing notes, then haunting ditties… But here’s the cool thing if you play guitars, you can freak people out when you play that last one over you head with deep bends…Sometime is helps to look at God when you deliver up there, extra freaky effect. Heck Iron maiden’s great for body expression, that and it'll help you lose weight, Yea I lost almost 20 pounds since Summer...hee hee oh yea, you know I was getting fat like almost all the dudes around here, but you know what its been going away, and I'm getting like one of they only guys around here with semi-long (not skinner) hair cut and no baseball hat and not fat, and I play Iron Maiden, it's like being, out of the ordinary...Feels good, because you can tell the chicks notice...,even though I can't get lucky..hee.heee...
Air Raid Siren said:
Anything from 7th Son, ESPECIALLY Infinite Dreams. :headbang: The beginning of that song is so... ok I'll say it - sexy! :oops:

Wasting Love really moves me, too. The message in the lyric is so meaningful. I can't help it - I'm a geek! :tickled: I just love power ballads!!!

Blood Brothers does that to me too. The melody is so beautiful and I love the instrumentation!

Ok I think you have to officially play that song live now! Infinite Dreams that is. Wasting Love a Maiden power ballad uhhhh no comment lol
Another vote for Infinite Dreams. One of my favorites along with Fear of the Dark.
The opening bassline of Killers is great fun to play. Everytime I hear it I wish I had a bass handy. Other ones of the top of my head....
Can I play with Madness
Remember Tomorrow
Aces High
Quest for Fire

Aja, can you guys do ID when you come back to San Diego in January? :Spin: :headbang:

spideyjg said:
Another vote for Infinite Dreams. One of my favorites along with Fear of the Dark.
The opening bassline of Killers is great fun to play. Everytime I hear it I wish I had a bass handy. Other ones of the top of my head....
Can I play with Madness
Remember Tomorrow
Aces High
Quest for Fire

Aja, can you guys do ID when you come back to San Diego in January? :Spin: :headbang:

Sure Jim, we'd love to - PM me - we'll have mgt. set something up! ;)