Maidens Back In Tempe!!!!!

bestwestranger said:
Did I mention I will now be ditching my own party to come out?
yeah, don't miss two hours straight (sic!) of iron maiden played by your fav trib band! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
so where's the afterparty?
Hope it won't rain on New Year's Eve! I'm having a tough time deciding which drums to bring! So the afterparty is at bestwestranger's! Cool. Count me in!

>>ever fart and have your balls flap?<< Can't say I have.
Doodoobubbachuck said:
So the afterparty is at bestwestranger's! Cool. Count me in!

It is???!!! That is totaly cool with me because my wife has moved the family gathering to a friends house, and all they are going to do is play poker all night anyway. But if we are going to do this, I need some solid confirmation so I can prepare and get things co-ordinated. If one of the Maidens could pm me, so I can work out the logistics!!! :rock:
I think we were just trying to scare you, bestwestranger! But i can see you are game!!! We have to do some kind of jam thing at midnight with the band TNT....whatever that's all about. Hmmmm.
Mike Heenan said:
What a show, great time. Pretty good sized crowd too. I'll see if I can get some pics up in the next few days.

Glad to hear it ripped. I got stuck in so. cal. at some other party and was thinking how fun it would be to watch the iron ladies and remembering that that's exactly what I did last year! Show the pics!
It was one of the funnest shows ever and definately the LONGEST show we've ever straight two-hour set....the best part was when it started to sprinkle at the beginning of MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE right before I sang "It was cold and it started to rain."

Luckily none of us got electrocuted since I think we all went wireless for this one. HUGE STAGE.

Heenan...where are those pics?
bestwestranger said:
Would you hate me if I said that I didn't go? I do!

:blush: I really feel like an ass for not showing. After gettin all excited and ready to go, I didn't. I was bummed out all night, well, at least till I got really drunk, then not so much, but I was still bummed. Dammit, why do I do the things I do? :err:
Had a most splendid time on New Years Day with all of you. Thanks to Linda and JoJo for the Advil. I went from this :erk: to :tickled: . At least until the tent incident. Icky icky icky. You ladies rule!

Come back to Tempe soon!!!
