How anti-climatic !!!

I was glued to the T.V and only got 1.3 seconds worth....guess you guys need to put out a DVD then.:)

That stage Eddie ruled you can come to Texas and play SXSW.
Yes it was short but sweet. Any national publicity is good publicity.

I love watching how Stuttering John has sold out to mainstream nbc tv. That stupid fake laugh and smile he does when the camera pans on him is priceless. He was much better being a punching bag for howard stern !
Although it was great to see the iron ladies get some tv air time, they got the short end of the deal. Of all the bands shown (about 10 or so), they got less than 5 seconds! Shesh, I didn't even get enough time to notice what song they were playing. But, there was a great shot of Eddie! Oh well... Isn't that the story of Iron Maiden!? Little or no radio/tv airplay, but can sell out venues? Once again The Iron Maidens replicate another real Maiden!!!!
What was that???.. Interview some of those really lame bands but not the Maidens??...

At least they showed Deanna's impromptu humor after she sang. That was funny.
I wanted more but at least they did mention them by name and gave a quick description.

Although the "Courtney Love is trying to make a comeback" comment with Eddie picture was damn funny.

Ladies, what was cut out?

ironmaidenfan09 said:
I love watching how Stuttering John has sold out to mainstream nbc tv. That stupid fake laugh and smile he does when the camera pans on him is priceless. He was much better being a punching bag for howard stern !

And he doesn't even stutter anymore! Also interesting is how he plugged his "Stuttering John" record (which, by the way, is a decent record) on the show. I think this was the first time on the program that any reference to "Stuttering John" was made (he's referred to on the show merely as John Melendez).

Anyway, back to the topic -- I wanted to see more of the Maidens! And was that RJ as Eddie?
RJ Blaze as Eddie!!!!! Yes, it was! Did his height give it away? Or was it his distinct style from his many years at the Monster Academy? :D

I'll let Aja tell about all that was not aired, she took part in most of it. She was goooood!!!!!!! They taped the entire song of Die With Your Boots on with some funny stuff going on throughout, but I guess paying royalties for the song wasn't on their agenda. Any time on national television is fine by me!

Now, everyone needs to email the Tonight Show and demand The Iron Maidens to be a musical guest on the show! LOL! Maybe that's not a bad idea...............;)
I had to stand an armed, topside watch on the ship last night and didn't get to see the tongiht show :yell: ARRRGGGGHHHHH!, stupid national defense, lol