Maidens playing Maiden B Sides??


Your hippie fan
Sep 26, 2004
Sacramento, CA
Forgive me in advance if this post has been discussed before.

Have you ladies ever played any B side singles that Maiden will never play? :mad: Why don't they play those?
Songs like: I've got the Fire, Rainbow's Gold, King of Twilight, Cross Eyed Mary, Reach Out, etc, etc. There's a TON of them and 99% of those songs KICK MAJOR ASS! Especially with the Maiden feel. What's your take, ladies?

PS. Still all fired up from the Concord show! You guys are the best! :worship: :worship: :kickass: :kickass: :OMG:
Cross Eyed Mary

Cross Eyed Mary is a Jethro Tull song which brings up an interesting idea cos then the Maidens would be covering a cover. It could be billed under "Iron Maidens: Under Double Cover" night and they could restrict the set to songs only done by other bands that IM covered..heheh Cross Eyed Mary, Women in Uniform, Communications Breakdown, ect. that would be fun!
Cross Eyed Mary is a Jethro Tull song which brings up an interesting idea cos then the Maidens would be covering a cover. It could be billed under "Iron Maidens: Under Double Cover" night and they could restrict the set to songs only done by other bands that IM covered..heheh Cross Eyed Mary, Women in Uniform, Communications Breakdown, ect. that would be fun!

I'd vote for Doctor, Doctor and Hocus Pocus to be in that set as well then! Complete with gibberish from Linda in between riffs on Hocus Pocus!! :lol:
They did do some awesome covers, didn't they? Wonder though - did they ever do Cross- Eyed Mary live? Rya - you're the bootmaster- what do the archives say?

I know you never asked me but according to, the only b-sides to be played live are Women In Uniform, Invasion, I've Got The Fire, Total Eclipse and Burning Ambition. But I do know that when they did the Entire Population Of Hackney gig they did Reach Out, That Girl and Juantia as well so who knows if they did Cross Eyed Mary at that gig too.
I know you never asked me but according to, the only b-sides to be played live are Women In Uniform, Invasion, I've Got The Fire, Total Eclipse and Burning Ambition. But I do know that when they did the Entire Population Of Hackney gig they did Reach Out, That Girl and Juantia as well so who knows if they did Cross Eyed Mary at that gig too.
Whoopsie!! :oops: Didn't mean to leave all ya other peeps out of that question - I had just been emailing Rya so his bootleg archive was in my head. So allow me to rephrase that - does anyone know if Cross Eyed Mary has ever been played live ( I have a feeling that it's a no answer but you never can tell what little factoid will pop up!)

And thank you Jenna! ** insert a smiley blowing kisses here!**
I know you never asked me but according to, the only b-sides to be played live are Women In Uniform, Invasion, I've Got The Fire, Total Eclipse and Burning Ambition. But I do know that when they did the Entire Population Of Hackney gig they did Reach Out, That Girl and Juantia as well so who knows if they did Cross Eyed Mary at that gig too.
Yup, leave it to have some good info. After all, they get it from me and about a dozen other bootleg collectors. :D

Of the B-Sides the band has played, only Invasion was played with any regularity, but that was long before it ever came out as a b-side. Not many bootlegs are available with this song, unfortunately.
I know you never asked me but according to, the only b-sides to be played live are Women In Uniform, Invasion, I've Got The Fire, Total Eclipse and Burning Ambition. But I do know that when they did the Entire Population Of Hackney gig they did Reach Out, That Girl and Juantia as well so who knows if they did Cross Eyed Mary at that gig too.

At a gig a friend of mine went to sometime in the 80's they DID play Cross Eyed Mary and also played another Jethro tune called Aqualung.He doesn't drink or drug so I think he wouldn't have imagined it-happened either at the New Haven Coliseum or Hartford Civic Center.I'll see if I can confirm the venue and year.
At a gig a friend of mine went to sometime in the 80's they DID play Cross Eyed Mary and also played another Jethro tune called Aqualung.He doesn't drink or drug so I think he wouldn't have imagined it-happened either at the New Haven Coliseum or Hartford Civic Center.I'll see if I can confirm the venue and year.
It probably would have been in 1983 when Cross-Eyed Mary came out as a b-side. But, at the same time, it probably did not happen. It's a common occurence for people to remember things that did not happen (Richard White did a famous historical study on the occurence of false memories). However, I could be wrong about your friend's memory, but Maiden's set lists are very predictable. They usually only vary it for special shows (playing a country for the first time or the first/last gig of a tour, or modified setlists for different regions of a tour), otherwise what you see/hear in one show is very likely what someone else saw.