Maiden's Set


Epic Metaller
Aug 8, 2006
Frankfurt, Germany
Shock and horror!

Well, not really we all sort of expected this but there's a video circulating of Brucey ripping up a "Play Classics" sign at a gig on the current tour. Story goes that the set is mostly taken up by the new album with only 2 or 3 classics, NOT including Trooper, Number of the Beast, Phantom of the Opera, Run to the Hills or any of the highly requested classics (though I think they played Hallowed). As such a guy at one of the US gigs wrote on a bit of card "Play Classics" which got to Maiden and was then immediately ripped up:

I personally don't have anything against the guy who did it. YES Maiden have the well earned right to play any bloody thing they want but they should respect what the fans want to hear - don't go Metallica on us!
To be fair maiden havn't offered to play what the fans want, they've got their set that they play at every show and that's what the fans get. That's the way most bands play it really and it's a waste of time for fans to go oo play this song for us. For a start that song won't have been rehearsed for the tour and so they won't be able to just play it straight off like that. Though when i saw Paradise Lost at Bloodstock 03 they were like oo what do you wanna hear? Hmm? Tell us what songs you wanna hear. Oh you wanna hear that song? Tough shit, we're playing what's on the setlist...

Well that just made me think Paradise Lost were complete fucking wankers and suck massive pile of balls... The singer was a retard for the whole show as i remember it and they didn't impress me in the slightest..

Then there's the likes of Dream Theater where, on their last tour at least, they played a different set for each show, a few of the tracks were the same for every show but the rest of them were shuffled around. Which was cool cos you didn't know what songs you were gonna get at your show, but also it meant that depending on which show you went to you either missed out or got some great songs
Bare in mind that Maiden have just finished an Early Days (albums 1-4) tour of all their old-old-material, and after this current one, are doing The Early Days Part Two (albums 5-8) tour, it makes sence to play the newer stuff live now.
Yeah me and my gf talked about the Early Days stuff but we thought that there should be a compromise at least. After all nobody will come to a Maiden gig to hear ONLY aMoLaD stuff there should be a mix. 1 hour and 11 minutes of new stuff then only 10 minutes of classics seems a bit too one sided to me.
I saw Maiden on this current tour.
It was great to NOT hear the Trooper, # of the Beast, and Run to the Hills for the tenth time live.
I guess it would be dissappointing for those who have never seen the band live to not hear those classics.

Though I bet it is more exciting for the band to perform 10 new songs they have never played live than others they have performed live hundreds of times.

Not sure what you mean by "Going Metallica" Metallica is the worst in terms of setlist selection. They only play the "hits" off the black album, ignoring the stronger tracks such as Through the Never, My Friend of Misery, Don't Tread on Me, etc.
I agree actually, im also quite glad i wont have to hear the classics. Though i've only seen them live once id rather hear lesser heard live songs as i've heard the classics live soooo many times on live albums and bootlegs. Obviously it's different when you're there in person, but still, would be nice to hear some rarities. And i guess in a way the setlist for this tour will satisfy that i guess, but really i'd like to hear the old rarities! :lol:
It's in the very nature of gig attendage to want to see both old favourites and new material, so I'm looking forward to the aMoLaD stuff. I just think the balence is too slanted and obviously so does the bloke who wrote the sign.
Yeah i would say it's a bit too far.. If they're gonna play the whole new album then at least play for longer so that you can fit in some more older songs!

And i will say that i think the look on Bruce's face when he tore up the sign was a bit arrogant really. It was a kind of fuck you look in a way, like nah mate ain't gonna happen! Really he could have been a bit more apologetic over it. It's the fans asking for something and he could have just said sorry but this is what we prepared for you.
I personally love the new album, so for me it'll be great to see it live.. I'm a bit disapointed not to see some more obscure classics, but it'll be great to see Evil and Midnight :)

I've seen em a few times before, so leaving out the classics does'nt upset me at all. :)
i saw the set list up on the maiden forum a while a go and i have to say im pleased with it. I think the new album is the kind of thing you can play back to back as a whole and it makes a change to see them doing something different :D hopefully earls court wont be w*nkers like the hammersmith apollo and let you take photos, seeing as i got first to the barrier wristbands for both earls court days :D :eek: <3 now i can stare at Janick.....TWICE! :D
i saw the set list up on the maiden forum a while a go and i have to say im pleased with it. I think the new album is the kind of thing you can play back to back as a whole and it makes a change to see them doing something different :D hopefully earls court wont be w*nkers like the hammersmith apollo and let you take photos, seeing as i got first to the barrier wristbands for both earls court days :D :eek: <3 now i can stare at Janick.....TWICE! :D

I did'nt know you were on the Maiden forum :loco:
I saw Maiden in Valhall arena in Oslo last night and it was one hell of a gig. I love the latest album and to get to hear it live was brilliant.

Set list:
01. Different World
02. These Colours Don’t Run
03. Brighter Than a Thousand Suns
04. Pilgrim
05. Longest Day
06. Out of the Shadows
07. Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
08. For the Greater Good of God
09. Lord of Light
10. Legacy
11. Fear of the Dark
12. Iron Maiden
13. 2 Minutes to Midnight
14. The Evil that Men Do
15. Hallowed Be Thy Name

A pic as well. Not too good since i couldn't use any flash.