Maidens Utah 6/4-5, Maidens storm Utah (again!)

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
Hey all!

Just letting you know the gals are having a great time despite the near record temps we are having here (we were 1 degree shy of the record Thursday, and I've lost track since - it is still quite hot!). And to think we were in the low 40's just last week...

The Maidens did an instore at The Abyss today, and made some new friends...

HobbesDawg and Ruined Luna were both in attendance last night, as was I (of course). The house was packed, and Aja wowed the crowd with her vocal stylings of Bruce-man. I'll leave the setlist to those who remember better than I... but of course Losfer Words, The Rime, The Trooper, and Children Of The Damned (if I remember right) were amongst the songs played. I was too busy trying to run Mark's video camera, plus take pics, man the merch table, etc. and was a little tired to begin with, so the night was somewhat of a blur for me.

Pics will be posted someday...
Glad to say I could attend both nights (for once), and once again I'm proud to be associated in any small way with the Maidens... from just looking after the merch table when Toast was running round doing a hojillion different things on Friday (a man of so many talents!), to manning Mark's video camera on Saturday and doing the obligatory 'lugging out of stuff' after the gig. As always, the girls were a delight to work with, it's like catching up with old mates now (I'm sure Toast will agree) every time they come to Salt Lake.

And, lest we forget, both shows were absolutely outstanding. The sheer energy and vitality with which they played is easily on a par with Maiden themselves, for my money; Aja is as wonderful a new Bruce as I could have possibly hoped for, what a fantastic find; but star of these shows has to go to Sara, just a few days out from surgery on her Achilles tendon, playing both shows with aplomb, bravo! (True Trooper!)

As always, I'm left with one thought... come back soon!
An unbeliveable show each night. The Maidens stormed through both sets with energy, excitment, and as always, great showwomanship :)

Aja was wonderful as the new Bruce. A great, powerful voice and a worthy successor to Jen. Great work Aja, you blew us all away.

The sound came out very good, IMO on the video from both nights and I'll be cobbling together a double-live DVD shortly (HEHE sounds so exotic!).

As Luna, I felt honored to be able to help out both nights and can't wait to see you all in SLC again! Keep it heavy, enjoy Japan and Up The Irons!

I felt bad about lettin Mark and Chris down in regards to the drive and equipment haul, I was all set to do it but work beckoned and couldn't get out of it. Hopefully all went ok there, I'm glad Toast and Hobbes were able to videotape!
Mike Heenan said:
I felt bad about lettin Mark and Chris down in regards to the drive and equipment haul, I was all set to do it but work beckoned and couldn't get out of it. Hopefully all went ok there, I'm glad Toast and Hobbes were able to videotape!

Yeah was lucky to have the chance. Unfortunatly, the videos, now that I've viewed them, are really rather not good. I had set up the camera at a bad angle, and its basicly useless.. I'll have to hunt out a better spot next time folks, sorry about that!

Anyway, was a great set of gigs, and if you make it next time Mark, maybe we can work out something to get tons of angles between the two of us to do something really slick up for the band..heh :)

It was great to come to Salt Lake and finally meet you all face to face!! The support from everyone was just incredible.
Mr. Toast, you are the human tornado undercover master. :worship: Thanks for the belated "Valentine's Bear". I especially love the little rose it holds, it looks like a microphone!!!:tickled:
Thanks to you, too, Ruined Luna for pitching in. Everybody worked so hard and we couldn't have accomplished what we did without your help. It was madness!
HobbesDawg , thanks for taking us around and for the GREAT Chinese food place. The simmering shrimp was soooo yummy! :D Cheers for a great job of
running lights for the show. Can't wait to see it all in living color!

I'm so proud to be a part of this amazing band and appreciate the "Maidenly love" shown by all. The band is playing great and it's hard to believe this was only our 2nd and 3rd shows! :yow:

Sara rules. Can't believe she was able to travel, let alone do the shows. :worship:

See you all next time!!
Glad to hear the shows went well!Sara sent me a video clip of the last 3 minutes of "Rime Of The Ancient Mariner" from your debut show Aja,and I must say you are quite a great vocalist.A superior vocalist at that!:)
Sabbathking said:
Glad to hear the shows went well!Sara sent me a video clip of the last 3 minutes of "Rime Of The Ancient Mariner" from your debut show Aja,and I must say you are quite a great vocalist.A superior vocalist at that!:)

Ooooooooooh, could I get a copy of this as well? Could you email me it or post a link - I would love to see it.
Sabbathking said:
Glad to hear the shows went well!Sara sent me a video clip of the last 3 minutes of "Rime Of The Ancient Mariner" from your debut show Aja,and I must say you are quite a great vocalist.A superior vocalist at that!:)
Thanks Sabbathking!! I really love singing these songs and the fans are so inspiring! They get me all crazy!!! :loco:

Rime is one of my favorites.
We'll get to the right coast one of these days, soon I hope!
Air Raid Siren said:
Thanks Sabbathking!! I really love singing these songs and the fans are so inspiring! They get me all crazy!!! :loco:

Rime is one of my favorites.
We'll get to the right coast one of these days, soon I hope!

And don't forget the UK - especially Scotland!!!!!! :D

Rime is my fave from Powerslave - would be great to hear it live. Would love to hear you girls doing Infinite Dreams cos that is just the best Maiden song EVER!!!!!! :headbang:
Metallicat180 said:
And don't forget the UK - especially Scotland!!!!!! :D

Rime is my fave from Powerslave - would be great to hear it live. Would love to hear you girls doing Infinite Dreams cos that is just the best Maiden song EVER!!!!!! :headbang:
Wouldn't it be great to play in Iron Maiden's back yard!!!
Rime is so much fun to perform live. Love Infinite Dreams, too!!

It was great to meet you as well! I was actually feeling a little ragged around the edges this weekend. Normally I take quite a few more pics than I did this time around, and you remember that blank look I gave you when you handed me that $20 for the glossy? The day had caught up with me at that moment. So you haven't seen me in my 'full whirlwind glory' yet...

And as I told Linda, I still need to give you the 'full treatment'...

BTW, everyone,

As expected, the show Saturday was just as awesome as the show on Friday, and everyone I talked to had an awesome time. And another special thanks to Mark and the ladies for helping organize the raffle we threw together at the last minute for Tonya Ward (who will be undergoing brain surgery next week) - she was completely overwhelmed by your kind gesture!

I still find it amusing whenever I talk to people who are seeing the Maidens for the first time. In particular, one guy I know missed Friday but managed to make the Saturday show. He expected a good show, but was completely awestruck with the sheer talent onstage! In particular, JoJo has a new diehard fan -he was standing in the front where JoJo was, and being a musician who was watching the fingers a flyin'...

I still say you gals are five of the most awesome gals in Metal!

TJ <*-*>
Mr Toast said:
I still find it amusing whenever I talk to people who are seeing the Maidens for the first time.
Seconded. A buddy of mine came down for the Friday gig, and he's a punk-loving kind of guy. He knew of Maiden, but only in passing, and only really came down for an opportunity for a couple of drinks with a mate. He came away absolutely blown away, not just by the Maidens but by Iron Maiden's music too.

Aja - you're more than welcome, any time! I really like helping you gals out, but what gets me the most is doing something totally different each time! Eddie, filming (hope the footage came out alright, I had a lot of fun doing that!), lugging stuff out post-gig (not that there was much to lug, but even so - I lugged a couple of flight cases for Maiden themselves back on the X FacTour 'cos I showed up so early, so that brings back fond memories)... yeah, it was good times. :)

Have fun in Japan!
We were truly blessed with so many multi-taskers in our camp and wonderfully receptive audiences both nights indeedio! Ooooh, just thinking about that Chinese food has got my tum tum rumbling. MMmmmmmmmm. Yum!!!!! :p It's always nice to know we have all spread the gospel of Maiden to more people! Thanks for bringing your friend, Luna! We'll be back to Utah soon! And Aja, we are estatic to have you aboard! :D We couldn't have asked for anything more. :)
Mr Toast said:
I still find it amusing whenever I talk to people who are seeing the Maidens for the first time. In particular, one guy I know missed Friday but managed to make the Saturday show. He expected a good show, but was completely awestruck with the sheer talent onstage! In particular, JoJo has a new diehard fan -he was standing in the front where JoJo was, and being a musician who was watching the fingers a flyin'...

I still say you gals are five of the most awesome gals in Metal!

TJ <*-*>

I was the same exact way when they came to play the Tempe Music Festival last year. I had never seen them, wasn't sure what to expect, and was totally blown away. I think everyone who witnessed them felt the same way. And, like the guy you were talking about, I too am a guitar player, and happened to be standing in front of JoJo. I was totaly blown away. Then I noticed Sara rippin' it up on the other side. So I spent the entire time standing in one spot with my arms crossed, whippin my head back and forth watching these two amazing guitar players. Oh yeah, and the rest of the band was good too...... :D :worship: They were by far the best band I had seen all night, in fact the best band I have seen in a long time. I can't wait till they make it back to the valley. But I won't press that issue at the moment cause its already freakin 113 degrees during the day, even I don't want to be here! o_O :puke:
What a great weekend! Thanks to The Iron Maidens and Family for being such a splendid act- truly an experience that I'll never forget :)
Thanks Toastie!! I know what you mean by ragged! Let us know how Tonya's surgery goes. I'm sure she'll do well. Glad we could help in a small way. The people were really cool and supportive. Looking forward to the next whirl of the wind!!
But what I'd really like to see is the art.!!!!:yow: When will you be posting it? I've visited your site and am very impressed. You're very talented. Can't wait!!