Major Noob Forum (Stuck and need help)


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2011
Hello Everyone,

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Chris. I am very new to the audio recording industry and am looking for some major help and guidance. I started doing this because I have a group of friends that wanted to make an album for their band but weren't very computer smart. Granted I will say now I am no where near the level of most of you are here and I have been reading a lot of info the past 4 months. I would like some guidance from anyone here. I know my mixes aren't near any good standards and would accept any help from anyone here. So here's my forum thank you for your help in advanced it is much appreciated.

First off I will list what we are using and how I recorded the tracks again I'm sure their are many things we could've did different and better but money has us limited to what we have.

Mixing and Mastering Computer:
AMD Phenom II960T processor
8gb System Ram
1.5TB Harddrive
Windows 7
Realktek HD sound card(stock) going to upgrade soon

Recording Computer:Dont know too many specs
4gb system ram
windows xp
2.5 ghz processor
Soundblaster audigy 2 ZS Platinum sound card 24bit

Current Daw: Mixing and Mastering: Sonar X1, Recording: Sonar 8.5(comp wont run X1

Plugins:Superior Drummer 2.0 with Metal foundry Expansion and Andy Sneap Package, Guitar Rig 4, Magnus Choir, and EWQL Symphonic Orchestra. Along with other free VST plugins.

Recording Process:
Drums: Used a Electronic Yamaha Drum Kit with DTxplorer conncected to a motu midi to usb device. All ran through superior drummer 2.0 running a andy sneap atrocity preset with some tweaks to different aspects of drum pieces.

Guitars: Both rythem and lead guitar were connected to a Boss ME 70 Pedal tweaked to give specific guitar tone and connected directly to line in port of sound card. (I know this isn't right but ran across this later) We only record one track for each guitar and I have duplicated each track once. 1 of each track is panned hard right and left and the other track is running a delay/echo panned 80% left and right.

Bass: Connected directly to computer and recorded (probably not right but hey we are learning)

Keys: Midi out to Motu midi to usb device ran in magnus choir and symphonic orchestra.

Vocals: Recorded with a shure SM7B connected to a Powerstation 600 P/A connected directly to computer line in and recorded.

Please note: This mix is very rough and probably lacking a lot but this is what i need help on it doesn't seem powerful and just sounds flat very hard to hear all instruments clearly. I do have eq's set but most likely is wrong again i'm looking for help I know it's not the best sounding.
Guitars are a couple dB too loud. The guitars aren't played tight enough with the drums to give you a really clean sound.
The toms and snare jump out sometimes and sound like pops.
Can't hear bass doing anything.

If your going for an underground black metal sound it's probably too good.
Dunno what you're aiming for (I heard some bizarre productions in this genre already), but first thing that came to my mind is, that the guitars are way to muddy (too much gain, sloppy playing) and unarticulated.