make anthrax number one !!!


low key
Oct 21, 2002
lo y'all

if you got a spare minute, get onto, an click on the side bar where it says ' request chart' ....anthrax have got ' what doesn't die in there' and that simply has to destroy all other songs in there for the vote. if it wins it gets played at 5 today....cmon get anthrax to number one, they deserve it.......

the other stuff smells in comparison :)
that cradle of filth song is terrible too, can't have that beating what deosn't die !!!!!!

tap tap tap, waiting for 3 minutes to pass so i can vote again :)
man cradale are still winning tho, who the hell is voting for that choon !!!!

dammit its a new poll today too, shoul be easy to get thrax to number one........apparently not.....

time ot vote agin methinks :)
nice one guys, dunno if its you lot or not, but suddenly anthrax are pounding the opposition :)

roll on 5 for a gauranteed tharx choon :) top work all :) hopefully we will do enuff to make it win every day this week

safe home was on the list about a month ago, it came number one every day for 2 weeks or summink crazy :) sweeeeeet
new day , new vote

but looky, it seems anthrax are running away with it ,w tih or without our voting !!!!! yay more anthrax on the radio today it seems :)

even people that didn't think they were into anthrax before, are loving this record......
i know !! not bad huh !!!! 41% of all voting just to the mighty thrax...... destroying the competition out there, and like i say with only minimal support from us :) good to see
if thats all nu-metal ever did in the annals of history then fair play , at least it got new listeners into the good stuff. thats summink i sppose :)
yeah man, christ knows how harry and the kovenant are doing so well, must have loyal boards ;) .... still thrax thrashing everyone still thats what counts !!!!
back up to 40% its 5pm and i can hear what doesn't die !!! YAY !!!! more anthrax on air !!! :)

good work again, another day another winner :) wicked.....well on course to matching 'safe homes' performance........

righ i am off to vote ready for tommorrows mission :)