the battle is on...........


low key
Oct 21, 2002
well well well, fucking thunder are back in the lead.........

i voted an absolute shit load last night, and by the end of the campaign anthrax were back in the lead by nearly 10%......this morning i get into work and check the request chart site...and anthrax are behind thunder by about 8% ?!?!?!?! fuckin hell man those thunder fans are trying to piss me off i think !! :) heh , but shit they are about 300 votes ahead right now i reckon.......

those guys members........if you want anthrax to win this request poll, which results in their song getting played out....... get onto and click on the request chart........

surely between us we can get back these 300 votes for the thrax!?!?!!?

at 5pm i do not want to be listening to thunder, the fact the track is called 'loser' is just rubbing salt in the wound !!! SALT !!!!
geez man,!?!?!?1 how the hell has that truned around!?!?!? wicked wicked news, anthrax were down by about 300 votes at one point...... now we back in the lead by like 2% ( guesswork = about 60 votes i reckon)

good work board !!!! top stuff, was getting very worried about heraing thunder !!! :)
down by 3%

geez those thunder dudes are so gay, why don't they just quit it !!! crap man, back to the voting then :)

5 minutes to go !!!! and thunder are now 5% ahead !!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

drop what u are doing !!! droooooooop it !!! go n vote for the boys !!!!! i am gonna have to run if they are gonna play thunder !!! nooooooooooooo
siiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh we lost :((((

thunder feckin won it, i would love to comment on the fact right now that this sng is utter utter dogshit...... damn those thunder kids to hell n back :)

right time to get busy making sure this does not happen again tommorrow !!!!
man thatthunder song, it sound s exactly like ' backstreet symphony' a song they did about 10 years ago, oddly enough their biggest seller, geez, so no one heard yer iother crap for the last ten years...change the feckin record huh !!!