Make or break new album


I was just wondering what would happen if the new thrax album failed to take off, would they be the first of the big thrash four to call it a day? In England they get no press coverage and i'm not sure if they have much of a fan base. Stomp and volume 8 had some of the best riffs and melodies I have heard for a long time but still they were ignored. I hope they carry on for ages yet and megadeth call it quits first after the last album, but we'll see.
You sir, ARE THE DEVIL! LOL I think they got it in 'em to keep on kicking......look at MOTORHEAD. Still around. And if and when MEGADETH call it quits, Dave will do METALLICAS final album.
I fear the end is neigh for those 2 bands. And you are STILL THE DEVIL! SEIZE HIM1 FOR HE IS THE SPAWN OF SLAYER AND GLEN DANZIG! LOL:devil:
Don't get me wrong the last thing in the world I want is for Anthrax to split and i'm sure the new album will blow my socks and under garments off (as did the last two albums) but apart from the fine people posting here will anybody care. I was only pondering thats all, and expected to be slagged alittle. As for being called the devil thats the best compliment i've had in years cheers Mr gregthrax, I,ll make you an honoury imp.
I am pretty sure that what it takes for this record to Make It, is for US, THE FANS, TO FUCKING DEMAND ANTHRAX ON THE FUCKING RADIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think that is the first step.
The second step is getting ANTHRAX on THE SIMPSONS.
We can do it.
Stop reading this and go request/demand Anthrax, for the love of God!!