Make the band of your dreams!

I guess I will contribute even tho apparently this is old...

Michael Akerfeldt on Vocals (both clean and death)
Jason Newsted on Bass
Steve DiGiorgio on Bass
Jimi Hendrix on Guitar (shame he died 32 years ago)
DT Petrucci fellow on Guitar
Dave Lombardo on the Drums

Yes, two bassists, I love the bass....
greatest band of all time would be:

Dan Swäno (Nightingale, Edge of Sanity, Unicorn, Bloodbath etc.) - Vocals
Quorthon (Bathory) - Vocals, Keyboards
Chris Barnes (Six Feet Under) - Vocals
Peter Taegtgren (Hypocrisy, Pain) - Guitars
Jimmy Page (ex Led Zeppelin) - Guitars
John Myung (Dream Theater) - Bassguitar
Bluntforcedrummer Erik (Dying Fetus) - drums

plays Metalmusic (Mix to all genres), recorded in Grieghallen Studios Norway, mixed by Peter Taegtren and released only on VINYL. Songs and Lyrics written by all members. Tour to first LP will start 2003 on the With Full Force Open Air near Leipzig (Germany) and will end 1 year later on the same festival with a new LP. Band would sell more LPs than Beatles, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin together. Name of this band could be "The incredibles"!!!:grin:

Any questions to this band?
I know, there are a lot of singers, but first of all i can't decide for one person and why not all 3 Singers? They can sing some parts alone, some together...

Yes, exactly!
The band of my dreams:

This is something that has been floating around in my head for a few months now and it's something that I badly want to get rolling... but there are a few problems.

Firstly, the concept.

I want to start a death metal act with a twist. I'll be on vocals and we'll include all the trappings of the modern death metal act. Guitars, bass, drums, maybe keys. But I want the focal instrument to be a cello. Not in the typical doomy metal sound or the symphonic/orchestral death sound where the music is slow and has hints of gothic romanticism. I'm talking about a vicious yet melodic approach to the music, with the front piece being a cellist.

If that's not enough, I would like to find musicians familiar with death metal, but not necessarily active participants in that scene. I'd prefer that they'd never been in a metal band before... I mean no offense by this, but metal fans after being involved in the music for years become jaded and very grouchy about what band belongs in what scene and how certain subgenres should sound. I want my band to be free of that stigma.

Now for the problem.

The area I live in is rife with extreme music musicians and there's a large punk/hardcore/metal scene so there'd definitely be an audience... but I can't find the time or the musicians who fit the requirements. Everyone playing now is interested only in hitting the top 40 with yet another nu-metal Linkin Park knock off OR they're very pretentious indie rock types interested only in emulating The Locust or Creation is Crucifiction... which is where I am not.

Secondly, I'm a total control freak and am impossible to work with unless we're all on the same page. My vision is my vision and god damn it, I will not deviate.

So this will be a dream unless, by some kind of odd planetary alignment, I find like minded musicians who think it's a good idea.
Vocals - Satyr (satyricon)
Vocals - Ihsahan (emperor)
Lead Guitar- Chuck schuldiner (would have chosen vai but isnt experienced in metal)
Lead guitar 2 - Alexi liaho (bodom)
Rhythm guitar - Jon Schaffer (iced Earth)
Drums - Flo Mournier (cryptopsy)
Keys and synth - Stiann (ex dimmu)
Bass- Alex Webster (cannibal corpse)
Hey Herr Doktor, you should see if you could start a one man band like Burzum or something. That way you get it the way you want it. You of course also has to learn how to play the cello, if you don't know already (+ the other instruments).
Michael Akerfeldt on vocals (both clean and death)
Petrucci on guitar
Andy LaRocque on guitar
Doc on drums/
Flo on drums
Eric Langlois on bass
My Dream band would be be

Chuck Schuldiner-Vocals/Guitar
Mike Ammot-Guitar
Chris Ammot-Guitar
Daniel Elderson-Drums
Angela Gossow-Vocals
Steve Harris-Bass
Anders Friden-Vocals

And a orcastra :)

What a band :)
Vocals, Lead Guitar and Keys - Dan Swano
Vocals and Guitars - Mikael Akerfeldt
Anders Mareby - Death-Cello Bizarre
Tomi Koivusaari - Rhythm Guitar and Sitar
Bass, Guitars and Keys - Tom Nouga
Lead Keyboardist - Santeri Kallio
Saxophone and Flute - Sakari Kukko
Female Vocals - Lee Douglas
Backing and Lead Vocals - Angela Gossow
Drums - Martin Lopez

Songwriters - Dan Swano, Tom Nouga, and Me
This is a hard question, because there is so much talent in all bands.
1. Jason newstud Bass guitars
2. Dave Mustang Guitar/Voc
3. Jason Bottom Drums(too bad he died)
4. lead singer from Flotsam and Jestom(sorry forgot his name)

That would make a great sound.
Russell Allen-Vocals
Michael Romeo-rythm/lead Guitars
Jason Becker-rythm/lead Guitars
Cliff Burton-Bass
Mike Portnoy-Drums :grin: