Make Your Own Band

GhostOfBodom said:
Im Bored (as usual) so ive decided to make a thread for general amusement. What you have to do is as the title suggests and make your own band. It can be composed of any musicians you should wish be they living or dead.
Mine Would be:

Dani filth - Vocals -Cradle Of Filth
Hannes Grossmann - Drums - Necrophagist
John Campbell - Bass -Lamb Of God
And need it be said,
Alexi shredding

Shit! YOU have my mind. I was almost thinking the same exact thing.....

Dani FIth-vocals
Alexi Laiho-guitars
Chris Adler or Hellhammer-drums
Gene Simmons-bass
Lady_Laiho said:
Shit! YOU have my mind. I was almost thinking the same exact thing.....

Dani FIth-vocals
Alexi Laiho-guitars
Chris Adler or Hellhammer-drums
Gene Simmons-bass

Dumbass minds think alike.
dude, stop making threads which have been done 100 times before. search or don't make new threads
Vocals - Marco Hietala [Nightwish]
Bass - Marco Hietala [Nightwish]
Guitar - Alexi Laiho
Guitar - Roope Latvala
Keyboards - Janne Wirman
Drums - Mikko Sirén [Apocalyptica]
Cello - Perttu Kivilaakso [Apocalyptica]
actually,I have a band that would be even better then the one I postes before

lead guitar-me
rythm guitar- vikk
bass- cliff
Vocals/guitar: Jari Maenpaa
Bass/backup vocals: Marco Hietala
lead guitarist: Alexi Laiho
Synths: Tuomas Halopainen or Janne Warmen
Drums: Jaska or Jukka from NW

No space for Petri Lindroos :(

+ Female vocalist would be: Tarja (or simone simons/sharon den adel/charlotte from delain)

Now that would be a funny mix of singers!
umosay said:
Vocals/guitar: Jari Maenpaa
Bass/backup vocals: Marco Hietala
lead guitarist: Alexi Laiho
Synths: Tuomas Halopainen or Janne Warmen
Drums: Jaska or Jukka from NW

No space for Petri Lindroos :(

+ Female vocalist would be: Tarja (or simone simons/sharon den adel/charlotte from delain)

Now that would be a funny mix of singers!
quite awesome... i would just put jari to lead guitars too :P
vocals/dez fafara
guitar/cory beaulieu
drums/chris adler
bass/jason newsted(would be cliff but hes kinda
fatboy1563 said:
vocals/dez fafara
guitar/cory beaulieu
drums/chris adler
bass/jason newsted(would be cliff but hes kinda

CLIFF DIED????? :zombie: