Make your own pop-punk/emo band!


Dec 5, 2002
Mattoon, IL
1. play boring, generic music that could've come from blink 182 or sum 41
2. sing in a really high-pitched, whiny voice
3. write lyrics that consist of either bitching about how some girl dumped you, or how you wish you were back in high school
5. claim to be punk rock when your music is actually guitar-driven pop music
6. claim to support anarchy when you don't even know what it means
7. Facial piercings are preferred
8. Make fun of britney spears/ cristina aguilera at any given opportunity
9. Concentrate on making videos that are better than your music
10. Do not have any facial hair. As it would scare away all your teeny bopping fans
Make your own Nu-Metal/Black Metal band!

1. Play boring, generic music that could have come from Trapt or Limp Bizkit
2. Sing in a really whiny voice. Throw in some talentless screaming now and again. This way, more 14 year olds will listen to you.
3. Write lyrics that conssits of bitching about how pathetic your life is. Never write more than one passage. Remember, all your songs are choruses. Sing the same chorus over and over again.
4. Claim to be tr00.
5. Claim to like women. It will conceal your gayness well.
Top 10 rules to create a nu-metal band

1. Have a dj
2. Rap your choruses.
3. Wear masks to scare your fans middle aged parents
4. Write lyrics as genious as "If your 555 then im 666"
5. Make a video insulting nu-metal and pop bands (afterall your tr00)
6. Get a nice little slot at ozzfest
7. Throw in a couple extra percussionists to help out the drummer.
8. Cover an old-school metallica song on one of your albums
9. Tell the world how much you want to die and hate living. Threaten suicide at every corner.
10. Have no talent.
Guess I'll do one too ...

How to make a nu-metal band:
8. Make sure your band is named after a food, but spell it incorrectly.
7. Write songs about how your dad fucked you when you were little.
6. Repetitive and simple drumbeats are a must!
5. Make sure your lyrics have a lot of angst in them.
4. The "musicians" of your band cannot actually know how to play their instruments.
3. Do not tune your guitars.
2. More angst!
1. Sing all the words to your song in an obnoxious, whiny voice.
Guardian of Darkness said:
...And you wonder why other metal boards look down upon this one.
They really have no idea. It's getting to the point where I see "Look at what the stupid fags have done now!" kinda threads on just about every other forum.