Make your own pop-punk/emo band!

guys, this thread wasn't ment to be taken seriously. i just made it because i was bored and had nothing else to do at the time. oh and btw, i would much rather listen to the likes of korn and slipknot over the ataris, taking back sunday, dashboard confessional and so on
One day a cheese sandwich fell on my toes and made my toes yellow. I didn't wash it off and after a few days it was still yellow and I thought it was ingrown toenails so I took a screwdriver and stabbed my foot, then blood squirted everywhere and I finally discovered that it was just cheese sandwich so I said Hi to it and walked off. Bye bye.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Disturbed4ntics wrote the worst one, simply by saying "nu/black".

I was making a point. It's no worse than including Emo with Pop Punk. The creator knows nothing about Emo, either do most other people at this board.

...Obviously Black Metal has nothing in common with Nu-Metal.
Funny...... All of that new shit really does suck ass. 80's Heavy Metal is the best, because it really was heavy metal.

What the fuck is Emo??, and again (sorry), What the fuck is tr00????
Sinner Rider's confusion simply underlines the fact that those terms and the concepts behind them and their idiotic definitions are just that...idiotic.

I, for one, love "pop/punk" "emo" "numetal" and black metal. Notice the use of quotes.
Charubic Murder said:
They really have no idea. It's getting to the point where I see "Look at what the stupid fags have done now!" kinda threads on just about every other forum.
Heh, I know. UM represents the lowest rung of the metal message-board ladder.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Heh, I know. UM represents the lowest rung of the metal message-board ladder.
yet you both still post here.

and to whoever said, theyd rather listen to korn etc than pop punk / emo (whatever it was), isnt that like saying id rather be stabbed in the hand than in the foot?