Making Kontakt Instruments


Tits Tits Tits
Oct 30, 2010
How do you go about making Multi-Sampled instruments in Kontakt?
I've searched and could find nothing.
Specifically talking drum hits that I recorded.
Do you really need to record all 127 velocities, or do you just record 7 or 8 and post process them to get 127 total?
How do I get them to load in Kontakt with all the velocity levels in one instrument?
And how do you prevent machine-gunning when using same velocity? (i.e. the humanization option that Slate has).
Thanks alot.
A link to a website or post that explains would be more than adequate, since I cant find anything.
I'm looking specifically for making my own China samples...
The Kontakt 4 manual describes the process of making patches pretty well.
you'll be saving them as .nki files which can be loaded from the Kontakt file browser.

And, just in case you're not aware, you will need the full version of Kontakt to be able to do this, not the free Kontakt Player.
While it may not directly address your question, you might want to take advantage of the current deal MusicTech has going on with Groove3 for a 30day trial pass to view all their tutorial videos including a pretty in depth one on Kontakt titled "Kontakt Explained".

I listed this link in the Sonar X1 thread because they also have a great video on it's new features, but they also offer videos on most of the various DAW software and many VST Instruments and effects packages.

See the details HERE

It's a free 30 day access pass to all their content.

I should really make a thread about the pass itself as they really do have some great videos and 30 days free gives you a lot of time to watch them.

Hope that helps you.