Making my own drum


Fancy a pint? Or two?
May 8, 2008
Centreville, VA
So I was sitting here lamenting on a short budget and a ton of inspiration to play any instrument I come across.

I've got myself an 18x3 1/2" Bodhrán (pronounced bore-on) with nailed in cross bars. I've been watching a lot of the pros recently, and am really digging the 14x5 1/2" Bodhráns without the cross bars so I can go up and down with my left hand, essentially going up and down a scale of notes.

But the only way I would get one is if I got it custom made. No way that's gonna fit in my budget, especially if it's hobby related and not looking at any net profit here.

Then I saw from across the room an old and lonely snare drum...and hit not literally.

So right now Imagunna tear this old crappy snare apart and make a half way decent Bodhrán for meself!

Here are a couple before pics (mind you I've already taken off the snare and the resonate head):



I'll post pics during the process, and of course the final version!

Slainté! :kickass:
Damn dude, badass! I'm not entirely certain what it is you're gonna be doing, but I'm sure pics will help enlighten my drum-n00b self! :D Good luck, and keep us posted! (and I'm glad the drum didn't literally wollop you :lol: )
Essentially making myself a higher end Bodhran that what I've got now. The one I have currently is an 18" with cross bars. It's great for steadier and deeper beats, but I'd need something smaller and without the cross bars so I can use a lot more notes.

See here. Not me playing but you get the idea.

I can't do that with my current Bodhran. My hope is with a smaller diameter and no cross bars....

...I can improve my bodhran playing.

Right now I've got it stripped down to just the shell. Unfortunately some of the top layer of the wood came off, so I'm going to end up sanding off the entire first layer. Not a huge deal but it adds more man hours on the time table. At the moment my plan is to put a synthetic goatskin head on it.
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Bump - Anyone have good tips on painting wood? I know some basic techniques but want to know if there's anything else cool I can do.

Right now I've got it sanded (with wood putty repairs in a few places) and am planning on doing several coats of black primer and light sanding between coats. Then I'll use a black *non-polyurethane* paint perhaps an eggshell gloss if I think it needs it, but nothing glossier.

Anyone in Bavaria that can pick me up a DragonSkin head by Hedwitschak? :D


Found some old weird pictures of the drum I made, but there it is. I was 16 when I made it at wood crafting class in school. It actually sounds totally ok! Think it's a 10x8 inch or something, don't remember exactly. The chrome hardware doesn't really go well together with that finish but... it's a DIY drum damnit! :D