Making my own mic cables, what XLR connectors to get?

+1, I always use those and have never had a problem. Any time I've cheaped out and tried other types of connectors they work, but they're a pain in the ass to deal with from a soldering standpoint and don't look nearly as nice.
Mouser is good stuff. But those connectors are the same as Redco carries. Redco is cheaper.

I just ordered some of the normal XX series ones from Redco, hopefully they are good.
OT, but, looking through the Neutrik site I came across these:


Really? XLR Connectors with Swarovski crystals? What?
Awesome, thanks guys! For some reason Redco where I usually buy any parts doesn't carry the HE model. Where do you order from?

I actually order from Redco - might be a different model number but mine look identical. I want to say they're the FX series? Let me grab a link...
Or in black:

I don't buy into the whole 'gold vs nickel' thing, I just go with what's cheaper.