Making Toms to sound like Pantera?

dan weapon

Planet Smasher
Nov 14, 2005
Anyone got any advice on how to make tom's sound as close to Vinnie Pauls as possible?

They have a very distinct sound... quite low tuned/hollow/scooped yet powerful... and pretty drenched in reverb.

Anyway, any advice or a suggestion of samples to start with would be appreciated! I'm covering a Pantera song for a bit of fun (with programmed drums) hence why i'm asking.

There should be some Slate toms which get close. I think the key is to be very brutal with your mid scoops for this type of sound. Get rid of most of what's happening between 200 to 2kHz. Clamp down on the resonant area between 100 to 200Hz. Try some peak-boosts on the high mids/highs. Don't over-saturate them with warm console saturation - keep the lows and highs, keep the transients audible. Compression to press them down a bit and emphasize the attack.
Pity the Slate toms are tuned so high, in that regard they are way off Pantera style. I reckon the Slate floor tom is probably higher pitched than Vinnies smallest tom.
Unfortunately it's going to be very hard to achieve that sound with programmed drums. A lot of Vinnie Paul's sound comes from the way he plays. All the Pantera albums were recorded quite different from one another yet the drums on every album have that same certain characteristic to them. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try though. If you use Slate toms you'll have to tune them down quite a bit.
Darren "Jenk" Jenkins;10654136 said:
Unfortunately it's going to be very hard to achieve that sound with programmed drums. A lot of Vinnie Paul's sound comes from the way he plays. All the Pantera albums were recorded quite different from one another yet the drums on every album have that same certain characteristic to them. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try though. If you use Slate toms you'll have to tune them down quite a bit.

haha, I wasn't assuming my output would be as good as Terry Date mixing Vinnie Paul! But I'll give it a go.... :D

But yeah, I've always been aware of how playing style effects sound - even Power Metal had that typical VP drum sound to it. I personally love it, same with Dime's tone which I guess is the same; his sound thickened up a little during the later years, but he pretty much always got the same vibe out of different gear.
And a huge fucking boost at around 4k it appears - a bit of presence to compensate for the scooping.

Wouldn't say I've absolutely nailed it yet or anything, but it's at least a lot closer than I started out with :)
i remember reading a while back that all his shells are equal in width/depth (i.e. toms are 12x12, 14x14 etc). not sure this really helps your scenario but i thought it was interesting.