Making two tracks full enough

This may not be possible for you but try running 2 amps at once and just 2 passes at the song. You can send the different amps to different tracks so you can blend them. I did this while recording recently and sounded bigger and more defied than quad tracking. It's being mastered right now but as son as I get it back I'll post clips.

When doing this, are you panning both amps the same way on each side? Like both sides have 2 amps 100%, or are you spacing them out 100/80/80/100?

100% on everything...IMO panning them inward is retarded. Unless it's rock or something...

100% on everything...IMO panning them inward is retarded. Unless it's rock or something...


i only do 2 tracks of guitars unless its somethign that needs quad tracked 2 diff mics on the cab is enuff difference. i tend to quadtrack more often than not if the song has lots of buildups and pan in and out from 100 to 75%to make them more dynamic during the course of the buildups.....if im producing/eng mixing from the start i will listen to a rough demo and will have basically a finished version of how i want the song in my head to sound. then try to recreate that vision more often than not limited by the capabilities of the band... esp with quadtracking
When doing this, are you panning both amps the same way on each side? Like both sides have 2 amps 100%, or are you spacing them out 100/80/80/100?


They're panned 100%. If I remember correctly the last time we recorded it was the Recto going into the Recto cab and the .50 Caliber into the Engl cab for the left side and Recto into Engl cab and .50 Caliber into Recto cab for the right side. On top of that there were a minimum of 2 mics per cabinet.