Making vocals more intense on death core recording


Sep 8, 2010
Knoxville, TN
So, I just finished tracking a deathcore band and the vocals seem kind of pussy sounding.

I recorded the vocals with a double mic'd md421 and Neumann tsm something straight into a presonous digimax I think it was (wasn't my gear)

The vocalist did all low growling shit at a really low volume that had almost no intensity

Based on these things, are threre any tricks that have worked for you that I'm just missing?

I would go into what I'm doing with the inserts in pro tools but I want to just hear what you guys are doing.
Lots of compression.. Exciter maybe.. myabe even a little distortion. If you post a clip i'm sure it'll help everyone out. Also THIS will help.
I would try to compress it like crazy but he has a really soft scream and you still might be able to tell even after compression.
Yeah, those vocals need some sort of aux effect to make them sound good. Try duplicating the track and adding a distortion of some sort. Ozone Trash is fucking awesome for that effect.
Multiband compress them, to where there's more gain on the high mids, and the lows are compressed almost as much.

Try adding a exciter.

I'd also say add distortion fersure. Not too much, though.
dublicate, compress the shit out of it, maybe try some pitch shifting on the duplicated track, add some distortion as mentioned. maybe send it to a doubler to make it bigger. awesome-o.