male/female -american- voice needed!


New Metal Member
Jun 27, 2007
Hi there,

I'm in a band called marywine and our new album is currently being mixed. Although we're allready mixing, we still need some voice-recording in some parts of the songs. So im searching for someone who would like to do this for us.

I've uploaded a zip file on

This file contains 10 mp3 files (files speaks for themselfs i think). All with 'example' in the filename, is a part of the song with me doing the voice-text. And all with 'record' in it, are the ones you can use to record your voice with. I would like to have wave/mp3 files with just your voice on it, so no music. Dont be 2 to hard on timing cause we can adjust this to how we want it. Only thing important is that volume should be good, better to soft then to hard. Be carefull with background noise. and ofcourse you have to be able to record it properly (prefer 44Khz/24bits and voice=mono) . (i hope im not to demanding).

Well, just listen to the example files for the timing of the words. Ofcourse you can play a little and bring a little acting swing on the words. :lol:

I hope you could help. my mail/msn is: dont hesitate to contact me!
o yeah, 100 dollar reward;-)

thanks in advance,
I do believe I know the type of vocals you are aiming for... I know them quite well actually. I could take a shot tomorrow assuming you don't already have them. I always like things to do:P
he, thanks for your reaction! I haven't got any replies sofar, so yes, if you could help me out - that would be great!

if you got questions or need anything let me know.

eh well, good luck!

and thanks again - i really appreciate it.
Hey just wanted to say i liked the music(what little i heard in the examples), and the sound quality was truly good. May i suggest turning the woman parts just a bit down in the mix, shes very good just too loud imo, i think it would blend/sound better with her as a ghostly type of voice rather than the focal point.
As for the spoken words, i think a Peter Tagtren type of black metalers voice would fit well, obviously you have your own vision, im just imparting a "fans" perspective.
Good luck and hope it goes well for you, is there any chance of getting a LoFi version or something posted up?
hey thanks for the compliment! Well, what i've uploaded are actually demo's, so dont spend too much time judging it.
But i'll keep your suggestion in mind when we're down to it.
I'm not really familiar with Peter Tagtren's work. I think there a more voice-types that would fit in, but sofar I only got
Delta_Storm2152 to do it for me:-) I'm really curious how this will work out.
Thanks for the compliments. That really does something.
Why do i need american, well UK/American - both would be awesome. But it sure as hell shouldn't be a dutch-man speaking english cause that's to lame to me. You'll always hear its a dutch man cause of the accent.